![]() stream_socket_pair
Creates a pair of connected, indistinguishable socket streams
(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0)
Example 2388. A stream_socket_pair() exampleThis example shows the basic usage of stream_socket_pair() in Inter-Process Comunication. <?php The above example will output something similar to: child PID: 1378 Code Examples / Notes » stream_socket_pairtill
This is some freak-example how to use this feature to fork to a bc-command on a Solaris-Server: <? $sockets=stream_socket_pair(STREAM_PF_UNIX,STREAM_SOCK_STREAM, STREAM_IPPROTO_IP); passthru(' perl -e \' use strict; my ($x,@x); open(STDIN,"-|","/bin/pfiles $$"); while (<>) { $x=$1 if(/^ +([0-9]+):/); push(@x,$x) if(/AF_UNIX/); } print "Starting bc -l 0<&$x[1] 1>&$x[1] $x[0]<&- $x[0]>&- ...\n\n"; exec("bash","-c","bc -l 0<&$x[1] 1>&$x[1] $x[0]<&- $x[0]>&- &");\''); fclose($sockets[0]); fwrite($sockets[1],"666*999\n"); print "666*999 = ".fgets($sockets[1])."\n"; fwrite($sockets[1],"./696\n"); print "./696 = ".fgets($sockets[1])."\n"; fwrite($sockets[1],"quit\n"); fclose($sockets[1]); ?> The big problem is, that there seems to be no way to obtain the real filedescriptors of the two sockets, but you need them, if you want to redirect some program's STDOUT and STDIN to one of these sockets. I misused the /bin/pfiles command on a Solaris UNIX to find them. Another (non-php-) problem is, that, if you use php in Apache, there will be already a lot of open filedescriptors and the filedescriptors of the sockets will be greater than 9. That's why I had to use the bash. I think it is awful, but it works. Would be great, if someone would come up with a better idea. |
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