![]() stripcslashes
Un-quote string quoted with addcslashes
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
Code Examples / Notes » stripcslashesabodeman blah
stripcslashes does not accept hexadecimal escape sequences of more than two digits, even though C does. This means that all of the following are true (in C the second and third examples would contain the characters '\x48e' and '\x323' respectively): stripcslashes('H\x65llo') == 'Hello' stripcslashes('\x48ello') == 'Hello' stripcslashes('1\x323') == '123' stripcslashes does accept hexadecimal escape sequences of only one digit, as long as the following digit is not a valid hexadecimal digit, so both of the following are true: stripcslashes('He\xallo') == 'He'."\n".'llo' stripcslashes('H\xaello') == 'H'.chr(0xAE).'llo' The fact that stripcslashes is limited to two hexadecimal digits looks like a bug at first glance, but it can be a feature. You can, for example, do a simple str_replace(':', '\x3a', $str) to replace all colons in a string with '\x3a' without having to worry about whether or not the next character will be interpreted as a hexadecimal digit. If this "bug" is ever fixed, there will be no way in PHP to escape the colon in the string 'a:b' with a hexadecimal representation, since the 'b' would be interpreted as the hexadecimal digit 11. The string 'a\x3ab' would be interpreted as 'a'.chr(0x3AB). nospam
if you allow users to submit fields with apostrophy's inside, what you should do is pass that string into "stripcslashes()" to remove any slashes that may be automatically added by whatever that is causing it. As usual, you should verify this for yourself by creating a form and output the raw data in plain text format to make sure you have it right. The reason why MySQL does seem to ignore this problem is because it takes the "\'" and treat it as "'".
Change Language![]() addcslashes addslashes bin2hex chop chr chunk_split convert_cyr_string convert_uudecode convert_uuencode count_chars crc32 crypt echo explode fprintf get_html_translation_table hebrev hebrevc html_entity_decode htmlentities htmlspecialchars_decode htmlspecialchars implode join levenshtein localeconv ltrim md5_file md5 metaphone money_format nl_langinfo nl2br number_format ord parse_str printf quoted_printable_decode quotemeta rtrim setlocale sha1_file sha1 similar_text soundex sprintf sscanf str_getcsv str_ireplace str_pad str_repeat str_replace str_rot13 str_shuffle str_split str_word_count strcasecmp strchr strcmp strcoll strcspn strip_tags stripcslashes stripos stripslashes stristr strlen strnatcasecmp strnatcmp strncasecmp strncmp strpbrk strpos strrchr strrev strripos strrpos strspn strstr strtok strtolower strtoupper strtr substr_compare substr_count substr_replace substr trim ucfirst ucwords vfprintf vprintf vsprintf wordwrap |