![]() stripos
Find position of first occurrence of a case-insensitive string
(PHP 5)
Example 2453. stripos() examples<?php Code Examples / Notes » striposshane_at_51smith-dot-nl
Yet another stripos for php4 alternative: <?php function stripos($haystack, $needle){ return strpos($haystack, stristr( $haystack, $needle )); } $strTest = "The brown fox jumped over the Fence"; echo stripos($strTest, 'fence');//30 ?> hpavon
To shane_at_51smith-dot-nl Fine but not useful if you want to use stripos 3rd param òffset´ for instance to find all occurences of `needle´. Again rchillet and heavyraptor solution is best though you'd better keep to-lowercase strings outside the function if you're planning to loop through `haystack´ like this: $lower_haystack = strtolower($haystack); $lower_needle = strtolower($needle); $offset = 0; //... looping over haystack while ($offset !== false) { $offset = strpos($lower_haystack, $lower_needle, $offset); //... some funny stuff here } Using rchillet-heavyraptor function here would slow down performance. Solution: don't invent any function aidan
This functionality is now implemented in the PEAR package PHP_Compat. More information about using this function without upgrading your version of PHP can be found on the below link: http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_Compat michiel
Since the stripos-function is PHP5-only, the function below could give PHP4-users the same functionallity: function stripos($string,$word) { $retval = false; for($i=0;$i<=strlen($string);$i++) { if (strtolower(substr($string,$i,strlen($word))) == strtolower($word)) { $retval = true; } } return $retval; } sim
Just to be explicit, the position index returned by strpos starts at 0, not 1. e.g. strpos('abc','a') returns 0.
improvement the function of heavyraptor with int offset parametre. if (!function_exists("stripos")) { function stripos($str,$needle,$offset=0) { return strpos(strtolower($str),strtolower($needle),$offset); } } heavyraptor
If you're using PHP < 5, you can use this alternate function, same thing like stripos: <?php if (!function_exists("stripos")) { function stripos($str,$needle) { return strpos(strtolower($str),strtolower($needle)); } } ?> Such a logical function but I hope it helps ... dazzle
I recommend using the solution by rchillet for <PHP5 michiels solution is quite slow if you use it for long strings or call it many times. grf
(i'm very sorry for some mistakes in my yesterday's post :'[ ) this would to work with any language, i hope. tested on czech (eastern europe) lang. <?php /**************************************** * SAFE HIGHLIGHT ****************************************/ /** * function finds and encase every string in a $needleArr array with * strings $shearLft (from the left side) and $shearRgt (guess from which * side). * already encased needles are IGNORED for any other step, so order * of needles in $needleArr is pretty important. * * function is searching needles in case-insensitive mode, * but case in the subject is saved. * * can you do it better? so, do it. * * @param array $needleArr array of needles * @param string $shearLft left shear * @param string $shearRgt right shear * @param string $subject subject * @param string $encoding encoding ('utf-8' is default) * * @author griffin */ function safeHighlight( $needleArr, $shearLft, $shearRgt, $subject, $encoding = 'utf-8') { // encoding $e = $encoding; // oh, no needles if( !is_array( $needleArr)) return $subject; // empty keys throw-off, only unique, reindex $nA = array_values( array_unique( array_diff( $needleArr, array('')) ) ); // needle count if( !($nC = count( $nA))) return $subject; // nothing to hl // shear length if( !(($rLL = mb_strlen( $rL = $shearLft, $e)) + ($rRL = mb_strlen( $rR = $shearRgt, $e)))) return $subject; // no shears // subject length if( !($sL = mb_strlen( $s = $subject, $e))) return null; // empty subject // subject in lowercase (we need to aviod // using mb_stripos due to PHP version) $sW = mb_strtolower( $s, $e); // masking ~ 0=not changed, 1=changed $m = str_repeat( '0', $sL); // loop for each needle for( $n=0; $n<$nC; $n++) { // needle string loWercase $nW = mb_strtolower( $nA[ $n], $e); $o = 0; // offset $nL = mb_strlen( $nW, $e); // needle length // search needle while( false !== ($p = mb_strpos( $sW, $nW, $o, $e))) { // oh hurrey, needle found on $p position // is founded needle already modified? (in full-length) for( $q=$p; $q<($p+$nL); $q++) if( $m[ $q]) { // ai, caramba. already modified, jump over $o+= $nL; // continue for while() loop - not for for() loop! continue 2; } // explode subject and mask into three parts // partA|needle|partB $sE[0] = mb_substr( $s, 0, $p, $e); $sE[1] = mb_substr( $s, $p, $nL, $e); $sE[2] = mb_substr( $s, $p+$nL, $sL-$p-$nL, $e); // mask // partA|partB (needle not needed) $mE[0] = mb_substr( $m, 0, $p, $e); $mE[1] = mb_substr( $m, $p+$nL, $sL-$p-$nL, $e); // apply shears $sE[1] = $rL.$sE[1].$rR; // update sunject length $sL+= $rLL + $rRL; // update mask $m = $mE[0] . str_repeat( '1', $rLL + $nL + $rRL) . $mE[1]; // implode into a subject $s = implode( $sE); // update lowercase subject $sW = mb_strtolower( $s, $e); // increase offset $o+= $rLL + $nL + $rRL; // end of string reached if( $o>=$sL) break; } // while() } // for( $n=0; $n<$nC; $n++) // oouu yeaaa, kick the subject out of the function return $s; } // function safeHighlight() /**************************************** * END: SAFE HIGHLIGHT ****************************************/ ?> |
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