![]() stristr
Case-insensitive strstr
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
Example 2456. stristr() example<?php Example 2457. Testing if a string is found or not<?php Example 2458. Using a non "string" needle<?php Code Examples / Notes » stristrtriadsebas
You can use strstr() or strstri() to validate data! Check this out: <?php function validate_email($input) { if (!strstri($input, '@')) { return false; } return true; } function validate_url($input) { if (!strstri($input, 'http://')) { return false; } return true; } ?> Simple example: <?php if (!validate_email($_POST['email'])) { print 'You did not enter a valid email adress'; } if (!validate_url($_POST['url'])) { print 'You did not enter a valid url.'; } ?> php dot net
Use this function to return the number of files matching a certain type (extention) in a given folder: Using the previous code in the function above, file extentions like .ext.inc.php will be counted as .php files usage: returns false if dir doesnt exist or returns the number of files counted DO NOT add '.' to extention you are searching for. example usage: $result = CountFiles("./images", "jpg"); if($result === false) die("dir does not exist!"); function CountFiles($dir, $type) { if(!($dh =@opendir("$dir"))) return false; // directory does not exist // read the directory contents searching for "type" files // and count how many are found: $files = 0; while ( ! ( ($fn = readdir($dh)) === false ) ) { $f = strrev($fn); $ext = substr($f, 0, strpos($f,".")); $f_ext = strrev($ext); if(( strcasecmp($f_ext, $type) == 0 )) $files++; } closedir($dh); return $files; } sam_at_compasspointmedia.com
This function is tricky! The problem lies when the haystack is a string and the needle is a number. I found out the hard way: This expression: echo $spy = stristr("James Bond 007","007"); will return "007": but this will not: echo $spy = stristr("James Bond 007",007); because 007 is interpreted as a number. Tricky, right? Even if the first parameter could be interpreted as a number, but the second parameter is in quotes, it won't work. For example: echo stristr("555007",007); will not return anything. but this will by the way... echo $spy = stristr(555007,"007"); dpatton.at.confluence.org
There was a change in PHP 4.2.3 that can cause a warning message to be generated when using stristr(), even though no message was generated in older versions of PHP. The following will generate a warning message in 4.0.6 and 4.2.3: stristr("haystack", ""); OR $needle = ""; stristr("haystack", $needle); This will _not_ generate an "Empty Delimiter" warning message in 4.0.6, but _will_ in 4.2.3: unset($needle); stristr("haystack", $needle); Here's a URL that documents what was changed: http://groups.google.ca/groups?selm=cvshholzgra1031224321%40cvsserver spam
Regarding triadsebas at triads dot buildtolearn dot net entry for validating emails, etc. To use these functions, you need to replace strstri() with stristr() as strstri does not exist. paulphp
Regarding the problem (posted by Dan) of checking for a zero where the zero is at the end of a string, the following will work. Note that !== is used rather than != which doesn't work. $total = "Your total is 0"; $srchstrng = "0"; if (stristr($total, $srchstrng) !== FALSE) { echo "you have nothing"; } This will correctly output "you have nothing", indicating the zero was correctly identified as being in the $total string. (Discovered after experimenting with comparison operators detailed on this page: http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.operators.comparison .) trojjer
Regarding previous entry about validation: "Note: If you only want to determine if a particular needle occurs within haystack, use the faster and less memory intensive function strpos() instead." You have to use strpos('haystack','needle')!==false though, of course, incase it returns zero as the actual position, like it says on that page. giz
Just been caught out by stristr trying to converting the needle from an Int to an ASCII value. Got round this by casting the value to a string. if( !stristr( $file, (string) $myCustomer->getCustomerID() ) ) { // Permission denied } art
handy little bit of code I wrote to take arguments from the command line and parse them for use in my apps. <?php $i = implode(" ",$argv); //implode all the settings sent via clie $e = explode("-",$i); // no lets explode it using our defined seperator '-' //now lets parse the array and return the parameter name and its setting // since the input is being sent by the user via the command line //we will use stristr since we don't care about case sensitivity and //will convert them as needed later. while (list($index,$value) = each($e)){ //lets grap the parameter name first using a double reverse string // to get the begining of the string in the array then reverse it again // to set it back. we will also "trim" off the "=" sign $param = rtrim(strrev(stristr(strrev($value),'=')),"="); //now lets get what the parameter is set to. // again "trimming" off the = sign $setting = ltrim(stristr($value,'='),"="); // now do something with our results. // let's just echo them out so we can see that everything is working echo "Array index is ".$index." and value is ".$value."\r\n"; echo "Parameter is ".$param." and is set to ".$setting."\r\n\r\n"; } ?> when run from the CLI this script returns the following. [root@fedora4 ~]# php a.php -val1=one -val2=two -val3=three Array index is 0 and value is a.php Parameter is and is set to Array index is 1 and value is val1=one Parameter is val1 and is set to one Array index is 2 and value is val2=two Parameter is val2 and is set to two Array index is 3 and value is val3=three Parameter is val3 and is set to three [root@fedora4 ~]# stoyan
Be careful never to use integer value as a needle - always convert it to string before use e.g. using strval() - otherwise you'll get messed up - for example te following: if ($res=stristr('40', 52)) echo $res; will return '40' as $res - simply 52 is the ASCII code of '4' that's in the beginning of our string. Actually that's covered in the description of the function but you may miss to pay attention to it just like me=] techdeck
An example for the stristr() function: <?php $a = "I like php"; if (stristr("$a", "LikE PhP")) { print ("According to \$a, you like PHP."); } ?> It will look in $a for "like php" (NOT case sensetive. though, strstr() is case-sensetive). For the ones of you who uses linux.. It is similiar to the "grep" command. Actually.. "grep -i". moenm@hotmail_com
A slightly more efficient way of getting a files extension. There is no reason to use strrev(). function getext($f) { $ext = substr($f, strrpos($f,".") + 1); return $ext; } notepad
<?php function stristr_reverse($haystack, $needle) { $pos = stripos($haystack, $needle) + strlen($needle); return substr($haystack, 0, $pos); } $email = 'USER@EXAMPLE.com'; echo stristr_reverse($email, 'er'); // outputs USER ?> |
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