![]() strtr
Translate certain characters
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
Example 2473. strtr() example with two arguments<?php This will show: hello all, I said hi Code Examples / Notes » strtrelonen
Yet another accent remover, this time pretty complete and without any 8-bit characters in the script itself: $txt = strtr($txt, "\xe1\xc1\xe0\xc0\xe2\xc2\xe4\xc4\xe3\xc3\xe5\xc5". "\xaa\xe7\xc7\xe9\xc9\xe8\xc8\xea\xca\xeb\xcb\xed". "\xcd\xec\xcc\xee\xce\xef\xcf\xf1\xd1\xf3\xd3\xf2". "\xd2\xf4\xd4\xf6\xd6\xf5\xd5\x8\xd8\xba\xf0\xfa". "\xda\xf9\xd9\xfb\xdb\xfc\xdc\xfd\xdd\xff\xe6\xc6\xdf", "aAaAaAaAaAaAacCeEeEeEeEiIiIiIiInNoOoOoOoOoOoOoouUuUuUuUyYyaAs"); daijoubu
Wouldn't: <?php $s = str_replace(array_key($replace_array), array_value($replace_array), $s); ?> be faster? Perhaps even faster using 2 seperate arrays... anonymous
Usefull remove Accent function: return strtr($string, "¥µÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕ ÖØÙÚÛÜÝßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ", "SOZsozYYuAAAAAAACEEEEIIIIDNOO OOOOUUUUYsaaaaaaaceeeeiiiionoooooouuuuyy"); peter dot goodman
To the previous comment: great function, one character mapping it is missing is though is: chr(226) => 'â' persiflage2000
To replace unicode characters with their ascii equivalents, use $my_string = strtr($my_string, $unicode_array); using this array: $unicode_array = array( "–" => "-", "—" => "-", "" => "-", "‘" => "'", "" => "'", "’" => "'", "" => "'", "…" => "...", " " => "...", "" => "\"", "“" => "\"", "" => "\"", "”" => "\"", ); It is important to note you need both the unicode contol character (”) AND its text equivalent (). For instance, text copied and pasted into your html form from M$ Word will have the control character, whereas the same text viewed in a browser and copied into your html form using drag-and-drop will have the text equivalent. A pox on Redmond for the way M$ Word is set to convert all these characters to unicode equivalents by default. Note: you can expand the array to get rid of accented characters too, but remember the same thing applies. For example, both "Š" => "S" and "" => "S" should be added to the array. m dot frank
to get the ascii equivalent of unicode characters simply use the utf8_decode() function gabi
To convert special chars to their html entities strtr you can use strtr in conjunction with get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES) : $trans = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES); $html_code = strtr($html_code, $trans); This will replace in $html_code the Á by Á , etc. jamesheinrich
To build on the provided example, this small function will translate all accented characters into non-accented ones: function removeaccents($string) { return strtr($string, "¥µÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ", "SOZsozYYuAAAAAAACEEEEIIIIDNOOOOOOUUUUYsaaaaaaaceeeeiiiionoooooouuuuyy"); } derernst
This works for me to remove accents for some characters of Latin-1, Latin-2 and Turkish in a UTF-8 environment, where the htmlentities-based solutions fail: <?php function remove_accents($string, $german=false) { // Single letters $single_fr = explode(" ", "À Á Â Ã Ä Å Ą Ă Ç Ć Č Ď Đ Ð È É Ê Ë Ę Ě Ğ Ì Í Î Ï İ Ł Ľ Ĺ Ñ Ń Ň Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö Ø Ő Ŕ Ř Ś Ş Ť Ţ Ù Ú Û Ü Ů Ű Ý Ź Ż à á â ã ä å ą ă ç ć č ď đ è é ê ë ę ě ğ ì í î ï ı ł ľ ĺ ñ ń ň ð ò ó ô õ ö ø ő ŕ ř ś ş ť ţ ù ú û ü ů ű ý ÿ ź ż"); $single_to = explode(" ", "A A A A A A A A C C C D D D E E E E E E G I I I I I L L L N N N O O O O O O O R R S S S T T U U U U U U Y Z Z Z a a a a a a a a c c c d d e e e e e e g i i i i i l l l n n n o o o o o o o o r r s s s t t u u u u u u y y z z z"); $single = array(); for ($i=0; $i<count($single_fr); $i++) { $single[$single_fr[$i]] = $single_to[$i]; } // Ligatures $ligatures = array("Æ"=>"Ae", "æ"=>"ae", ""=>"Oe", ""=>"oe", "ß"=>"ss"); // German umlauts $umlauts = array("Ä"=>"Ae", "ä"=>"ae", "Ö"=>"Oe", "ö"=>"oe", "Ü"=>"Ue", "ü"=>"ue"); // Replace $replacements = array_merge($single, $ligatures); if ($german) $replacements = array_merge($replacements, $umlauts); $string = strtr($string, $replacements); return $string; } ?> I am sorry as the display of the user notes is broken the character lists shown will not be useable by now, but you see the principle. Speakers of certain languages might want to suggest changes or additions to the character lists. Characters are divided by spaces and explode()d because I am on PHP4, and other splitting methods fail with double byte characters. In PHP5 split() might help, too. The advantage of this approach is that non-latin characters remain untouched. ktogias
This function is usefull for accent insensitive regexp searches into greek (iso8859-7) text: (Select View -> Character Encoding -> Greek (iso8859-7) at your browser to see the correct greek characters) function gr_regexp($mystring){ $replacement=array( array("¶","Á","á","Ü"), array("¸","Å","å","Ý"), array("¹","Ç","ç","Þ"), array("º","É","é","ß","ú","À"), array("¼","Ï","ï","ü"), array("¾","Õ","õ","ý","û","à"), array("¿","Ù","ù","þ") ); foreach($replacement as $group){ foreach($group as $character){ $exp="["; foreach($group as $expcharacter){ $exp.=$expcharacter; } $exp.="]"; $trans[$character]=$exp; } } $temp=explode(" ", $mystring); for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($temp);$i++){ $temp[$i]=strtr($temp[$i],$trans); $temp[$i]=addslashes($temp[$i]); } return implode(".*",$temp); } $match=gr_regexp("Óêïõëéêïìõñìéãêüôñõðá êáé ÔæéæéñéÜ"); //The next query string can be sent to MySQL through mysql_query() $query= "Select `column` from `table` where `column2` REGEXP '".$match."'"; stefan
there is obviously an S missing in getRewriteString from above: function getRewriteString($sString) { $string = htmlentities(strtolower($sString)); $string = preg_replace("/&(.)(acute|cedil|circ|ring|tilde|uml);/", "$1", $string); $string = preg_replace("/([^a-z0-9]+)/", "-", html_entity_decode($string)); $string = trim($string, "-"); return $string; } ru dot dy
The function 'getWriteString' for parsing URLs below is very useful, but it has a little bug. PHP strtolower does not recognize capitalized accented characters. The result is that they are replaced with '-'. To correct this, change the first line in the function from: <?php $string = htmlentities(strtolower($string)); ?> into: <?php $string = strtolower(htmlentities($sString)); ?> Theres another Problem with search-engines, regarding german keywords with umlaute. Searchengines such as Google replace german umlaute with a following 'e'. Replacing the umlaute in words just with their unaccented characters gives the word another or no sense. The result of this is that the contained keyword in the url is incorrect and brings minor advantage for the pagerank of the site. At last, this did it for me: <?php function getRewriteString($sString) { $string = strtolower( htmlentities( strtr($sString, array("Ä"=>"Ae", "Ü"=>"Ue", "Ö"=>"Oe", "ä"=>"ae", "ü"=>"ue", "ö"=>"oe")) ) ); $string = preg_replace("/&(.)(acute|cedil|circ|ring|tilde|uml);/", "$1", $string); $string = preg_replace("/([^a-z0-9]+)/", "-", html_entity_decode($string)); $string = trim($string, "-"); return $string; } ?> marco dot colombo
Suppose you're trying to remove any character not in your set, i've found this very helpfull: function my_remove($string, $my_set, $new=" ", $black="#") { $first = strtr( $string, $my_set, str_repeat($black, strlen($my_set)) ); $second = strtr( $string, $first, str_repeat($new, strlen($first)) ); return $second; }; NOTE that all non-wanted character will be replace with $new, note also that $black must NOT to exist in $my_set. Molok herve
strtr() is useful when trying to convert a string from PHP to Javascript (as JS doesn't allow linebreaks in string declarations) : <script language="Javascript"> <?php print("var js_string = \"%s\";",strtr($php_string,"\n\r\t\0"," "); ?> mykel
strtr is a usefull encoding mechinism instead of using str_rot13. you can impliment it when you write usernames to a file, for example. but know that it is easy to crack your encription. an example: <?php $unencripted = "hello"; $from = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; $to = "zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba"; $temp = strtr($unencripted, $from, $to); /* will return svool */ ?> jay k
Several people have suggested using str_replace instead of strtr... Here is why that will not always work.... <? $string = "This is a BIG test with SMALL RESULT\n"; $repl = array('BIG' => 'SMALL', 'SMALL' => 'BIG'); echo str_replace(array_keys($repl), array_values($repl), $string); echo strtr($string, $repl); ?> Results in: This is a BIG test with BIG RESULT This is a SMALL test with BIG RESULT Notice that str_replace will replace previous replacements and strtr will not. oliver
Replace control characters in a binary string: <? function cc_replace($in) { for ($i = 0; $i <= 31; $i++) { $from .= chr($i); $to .= "."; } return strtr($in, $from, $to); } ?> volkris
Regarding christophe's conversion, note that the \x## values should be in double quotes, not single, so that the escape will be applied.
hotmail - marksteward
Referring to note from 11 October 2000, Thorn (Þ, þ), Eth (Ð, ð), Esset (ß) and Mu (µ) aren't really accented letters. , , Æ, æ are ligatures. Best to do the following: function removeaccents($string){ return strtr( strtr($string, 'ÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝàáâãäåçèéêëìíîïñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ', 'SZszYAAAAAACEEEEIIIINOOOOOOUUUUYaaaaaaceeeeiiiinoooooouuuuyy'), array('Þ' => 'TH', 'þ' => 'th', 'Ð' => 'DH', 'ð' => 'dh', 'ß' => 'ss', '' => 'OE', '' => 'oe', 'Æ' => 'AE', 'æ' => 'ae', 'µ' => 'u')); } This would be no good for sorting, as thorn and eth aren't actually found under th and dh. Also especially redundant because of Unicode! Still, I'm sure somone can find use for it - perhaps to constrict filenames... Mark ru dot dy
Posting umlaute here resulted in a mess. Heres a version of the same function that works with preg_replace only: <?php function getRewriteString($sString) { $string = strtolower(htmlentities($sString)); $string = preg_replace("/&(.)(uml);/", "$1e", $string); $string = preg_replace("/&(.)(acute|cedil|circ|ring|tilde|uml);/", "$1", $string); $string = preg_replace("/([^a-z0-9]+)/", "-", html_entity_decode($string)); $string = trim($string, "-"); return $string; } ?> christophe
Latin1 (iso-8859-1) DONT define chars \x80-\x9f (128-159), but Windows charset 1252 defines _some_ of them -- like the infamous msoffice 'magic quotes' (\x92 146). Dont use those invalid control chars in webpages, but their html (unicode) entities. See ftp.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/MICSFT/WINDOWS/CP1252.TXT or http://www.microsoft.com/typography/unicode/1252.htm PS: a '?' in the code means the win-cp1252 dont define the given char. $badlatin1_cp1252_to_htmlent = array( '\x80'=>'€', '\x81'=>'?', '\x82'=>'‚', '\x83'=>'ƒ', '\x84'=>'„', '\x85'=>'…', '\x86'=>'†', \x87'=>'‡', '\x88'=>'ˆ', '\x89'=>'‰', '\x8A'=>'Š', '\x8B'=>'‹', '\x8C'=>'Œ', '\x8D'=>'?', '\x8E'=>'Ž', '\x8F'=>'?', '\x90'=>'?', '\x91'=>'‘', '\x92'=>'’', '\x93'=>'“', '\x94'=>'”', '\x95'=>'•', '\x96'=>'–', '\x97'=>'—', '\x98'=>'˜', '\x99'=>'™', '\x9A'=>'š', '\x9B'=>'›', '\x9C'=>'œ', '\x9D'=>'?', '\x9E'=>'ž', '\x9F'=>'Ÿ' ); $str = strtr($str, $badlatin1_cp1252_to_htmlent); rortiz_reyes
If you have trouble accessing a file which has an accented or tilde letter (á,é,í,ó,ú, or ñ) via Internet Explorer use the following translation table: $trans = array("á" => "%E1", "é" => "%E9", "í" => "%ED", "ó" => "%F3","ú" => "%FA", "ñ" => "%D1", "Á" => "%A1", "É" => "%A9", "Í" => "%AD", "Ó" => "%B3","Ú" => "%BA", "ñ" => "%F1"); To obtain the translation for other special characters not used in English (for example, ù), type a fictitious filename on the Netscape 7.1 address bar (including URL, for example www.url.com/ù.jpg) and press enter. Netscape traslates the character while Explorer simply can't handle it. Seems like another bug on Explorer 6.0... Regards, Ricardo Ortiz R. 11-dec-2004 01:20
If you are going to call strtr a lot, consider using str_replace instead, as it is much faster. I cut execution time in half just by doing this. <? // i.e. instead of: $s=strtr($s,$replace_array); // use: foreach($replace_array as $key=>$value) $s=str_replace($key,$value,$s); ?> from-php-net dot ticket
Hi, before I found strtr() function I quickly wrote own repleacement, if someone is interested, // by http://www.raf256.com - Rafal Maj function ConvCharset($from,$to,$s) { $l=strlen($s); $S=''; // out put for ($i=0; $i<$l; $i++) { $c=$s[$i]; // curr char $x=strpos($from, $c); if ($x!==FALSE) $c=$to[$x]; $S.=$c; } return $S; } j
Here's a very useful function to translate Microsoft characters into Latin 15, so that people won't see any more square instead of characters in web pages . function demicrosoftize($str) { return strtr($str, "\x82\x83\x84\x85\x86\x87\x89\x8a" . "\x8b\x8c\x8e\x91\x92\x93\x94\x95" . "\x96\x97\x98\x99\x9a\x9b\x9c\x9e\x9f", "'f\".**^\xa6<\xbc\xb4''" . "\"\"---~ \xa8>\xbd\xb8\xbe"); } info
Here's a nice function for parsing a string to something suitable for URL rewriting (mod_rewrite). It translates all accented characters to their non-accented equivalents and replaces all other non-alphanumeric character with dashes: function getRewriteString($sString) { $string = htmlentities(strtolower($string)); $string = preg_replace("/&(.)(acute|cedil|circ|ring|tilde|uml);/", "$1", $string); $string = preg_replace("/([^a-z0-9]+)/", "-", html_entity_decode($string)); $string = trim($string, "-"); return $string; } fernando "malk" piancastelli
Here's a function to replace linebreaks to html tags. This was initially designed to receive a typed text by a form in a "insert new notice" page and put in a database, then a "notice" page could get the text preformatted with paragraph tags instead of linebreaks that won't appear on browser. The function also removes repeated linebreaks the user may have typed in the form. function break_to_tags(&$text) { // find and remove repeated linebreaks $double_break = array("\r\n\r\n" => "\r\n"); do { $text = strtr($text, $double_break); $position = strpos($text, "\r\n\r\n"); } while ($position !== false); // find and replace remanescent linebreaks by tags $change = array("\r\n" => " "); $text = strtr($text, $change); } []'s Fernando ezbakhe yassin
Here you are a simple function to rotate a variable according to an array of possible values. You can make a strict comparison (===). <?php function rotateValue($string, $values, $strict = TRUE) { if (!empty($string) AND is_array($values)) { $valuesCount = count($values); for ($i = 0; $i < $valuesCount; $i++) { if ($strict ? ($string === $values[$i]) : ($string == $values[$i])) { return $values[($i + 1) % $valuesCount]; } } } return FALSE; } ?> For example: - rotateValue("A", array("A", "B", "C")) will return "B" - rotateValue("C", array("A", "B", "C")) will return "A" horak.jan
Here is a function to convert middle-european windows charset (cp1250) to the charset, that php script is written in: <?php function cp1250_to_utf2($text){ $dict = array(chr(225) => 'á', chr(228) => 'ä', chr(232) => 'Ä', chr(239) => 'Ä', chr(233) => 'é', chr(236) => 'Ä', chr(237) => 'Ã', chr(229) => 'ĺ', chr(229) => 'ľ', chr(242) => 'Å', chr(244) => 'ô', chr(243) => 'ó', chr(154) => 'Å¡', chr(248) => 'Å', chr(250) => 'ú', chr(249) => 'ů', chr(157) => 'Å¥', chr(253) => 'ý', chr(158) => 'ž', chr(193) => 'Ã', chr(196) => 'Ã', chr(200) => 'Ä', chr(207) => 'Ä', chr(201) => 'Ã', chr(204) => 'Ä', chr(205) => 'Ã', chr(197) => 'Ĺ', chr(188) => 'Ľ', chr(210) => 'Å', chr(212) => 'Ã', chr(211) => 'Ã', chr(138) => 'Å ', chr(216) => 'Å', chr(218) => 'Ã', chr(217) => 'Å®', chr(141) => 'Ť', chr(221) => 'Ã', chr(142) => 'Ž', chr(150) => '-'); return strtr($text, $dict); } ?> stian
elonen forgot the ø character (\xf8) A (more) complete accent remover: $txt = strtr($txt, "\xe1\xc1\xe0\xc0\xe2\xc2\xe4\xc4\xe3\xc3\xe5\xc5". "\xaa\xe7\xc7\xe9\xc9\xe8\xc8\xea\xca\xeb\xcb\xed". "\xcd\xec\xcc\xee\xce\xef\xcf\xf1\xd1\xf3\xd3\xf2". "\xd2\xf4\xd4\xf6\xd6\xf5\xd5\x8\xd8\xba\xf0\xfa\xda". "\xf9\xd9\xfb\xdb\xfc\xdc\xfd\xdd\xff\xe6\xc6\xdf\xf8", "aAaAaAaAaAaAacCeEeEeEeEiIiIiIiInNo". "OoOoOoOoOoOoouUuUuUuUyYyaAso"); symlink23-remove-my-spleen
As noted in the str_rot13 docs, some servers don't provide the str_rot13() function. However, the presence of strtr makes it easy to build your own facsimile thereof: if (!function_exists('str_rot13')) { function str_rot13($str) { $from = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; $to = 'nopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLM'; return strtr($str, $from, $to); } } This is suitable for very light "encryption" such as hiding email addressess from spambots (then unscrambling them in a mail class, for example). $mail_to=str_rot13("$mail_to"); patrick
As Daijoubu suggested use str_replace instead of this function for large arrays/subjects. I just tried it with a array of 60 elements, a string with 8KB length, and the execution time of str_replace was faster at factor 20! Patrick erik
As an alternative to the not-yet-existing function stritr mentioned in the first note above You can easily do this: strtr("abc","ABCabc","xyzxyz") or more general: strtr("abc", strtoupper($fromchars).strtolower($fromchars), $tochars.$tochars); Just a thought. -sven www.bitcetera.com
And while we're at it, yet another transcriber (the code formerly known as accent remover). It does accents and umlauts, but also ligatures and runes known to ISO-8859-1. The translation strings must be on one line without any whitespaces in it. They are rendered hardwrapped here because this documentation doesn't allow long lines in notes. function transcribe($string) { $string = strtr($string, "\xA1\xAA\xBA\xBF\xC0\xC1\xC2\xC3\xC5\xC7 \xC8\xC9\xCA\xCB\xCC\xCD\xCE\xCF\xD0\xD1 \xD2\xD3\xD4\xD5\xD8\xD9\xDA\xDB\xDD\xE0 \xE1\xE2\xE3\xE5\xE7\xE8\xE9\xEA\xEB\xEC \xED\xEE\xEF\xF0\xF1\xF2\xF3\xF4\xF5\xF8 \xF9\xFA\xFB\xFD\xFF", "!ao?AAAAAC EEEEIIIIDN OOOOOUUUYa aaaaceeeei iiidnooooo uuuyy"); $string = strtr($string, array("\xC4"=>"Ae", "\xC6"=>"AE", "\xD6"=>"Oe", "\xDC"=>"Ue", "\xDE"=>"TH", "\xDF"=>"ss", "\xE4"=>"ae", "\xE6"=>"ae", "\xF6"=>"oe", "\xFC"=>"ue", "\xFE"=>"th")); return($string); } (Funky: ISO-8859-1 does not cover the french "oe" ligature.) joeldegan
After battling with strtr trying to strip out MS word formatting from things pasted into forms I ended up coming up with this.. it strips ALL non-standard ascii characters, preserving html codes and such, but gets rid of all the characters that refuse to show in firefox. If you look at this page in firefox you will see a ton of "question mark" characters and so it is not possible to copy and paste those to remove them from strings.. (this fixes that issue nicely, though I admit it could be done a bit better) <? function fixoutput($str){ $good[] = 9; #tab $good[] = 10; #nl $good[] = 13; #cr for($a=32;$a<127;$a++){ $good[] = $a; } $len = strlen($str); for($b=0;$b < $len+1; $b++){ if(in_array(ord($str[$b]), $good)){ $newstr .= $str[$b]; }//fi }//rof return $newstr; } ?> derernst
Additional to ru dot dy at gmx dot net's code: 1. You might want to convert ß to ss additionally 2. There could be impacts with other languages that use the umlaut characters: ä -> ae conversion for northern european languages such as Swedish, or ü -> ue conversion for Turkish. It would be useful if speakers of these and other languages could post their languages' correct conversions here. sanate
// Translates iso-8859-2 into UTF-8 function latin2_to_utf8($text) { $trans = array( chr(225)=>'á', chr(193)=>'Á', chr(232)=>'è', chr(200)=>'È', chr(239)=>'ï', chr(207)=>'Ï', chr(233)=>'é', chr(201)=>'É', chr(236)=>'ì', chr(204)=>'Ì', chr(237)=>'í', chr(205)=>'Í', chr(181)=>'¾', chr(165)=>'¼', chr(242)=>'ò', chr(210)=>'Ò', chr(243)=>'ó', chr(211)=>'Ó', chr(248)=>'ø', chr(216)=>'Ø', chr(185)=>'', chr(169)=>'', chr(187)=>'', chr(171)=>'', chr(250)=>'ú', chr(218)=>'Ú', chr(249)=>'ù', chr(217)=>'Ù', chr(253)=>'ý', chr(221)=>'Ý', chr(190)=>'', chr(174)=>'', chr(180)=>"'" ); return strtr($text, $trans); } // enjoy! :) martin dot pelikan
// if you are upset with windows' ^M characters at the end of the line, // these two lines are for you: $trans = array("\x0D" => ""); $text = strtr($orig_text,$trans); // note that ctrl+M (in vim known as ^M) is hexadecimally 0x0D sanate
// Hello to all Czech and Slovak people! // I hope this function can be useful and easier to find here, // than at the original source (and opposite direction). : // http://www.kosek.cz/clanky/tipy/qa07.html // s pozdravem Filip Rydlo z Pohodasoftware.Cz function latin2_to_win1250($text) { // chce text v iso-88592 $text = StrTr($text, "\xA\xAB\xAE\xB\xBB\xBE", "\x8A\x8D\x8E\x9A\x9D\x9E"); return $text; } ajitsingh4u
/** * Replaces special characters with single quote,double quote and comma for charset iso-8859-1 * * replaceSpecialChars() * @param string $str * @return string */ function replaceSpecialChars($str) { //`(96) â(130) â(132) â(145) â(146) â(147) â(148) ´(180) // equivalent ascii values of these characters. $str = strtr($str, "`ââââ´", "'','''"); $str = strtr($str, 'ââ', '""'); return $str; } tomhmambo
<? // Windows-1250 to ASCII // This function replace all Windows-1250 accent characters with // thier non-accent ekvivalents. Useful for Czech and Slovak languages. function win2ascii($str) { $str = StrTr($str, "\xE1\xE8\xEF\xEC\xE9\xED\xF2", "\x61\x63\x64\x65\x65\x69\x6E"); $str = StrTr($str, "\xF3\xF8\x9A\x9D\xF9\xFA\xFD\x9E\xF4\xBC\xBE", "\x6F\x72\x73\x74\x75\x75\x79\x7A\x6F\x4C\x6C"); $str = StrTr($str, "\xC1\xC8\xCF\xCC\xC9\xCD\xC2\xD3\xD8", "\x41\x43\x44\x45\x45\x49\x4E\x4F\x52"); $str = StrTr($str, "\x8A\x8D\xDA\xDD\x8E\xD2\xD9\xEF\xCF", "\x53\x54\x55\x59\x5A\x4E\x55\x64\x44"); return $str; } ?> bisqwit
#!/bin/sh # This shell script generates a strtr() call # to translate from a character set to another. # Requires: gnu recode, perl, php commandline binary # # Usage: # Set set1 and set2 to whatever you prefer # (multibyte character sets are not supported) # and run the script. The script outputs # a strtr() php code for you to use. # # Example is set to generate a # cp437..latin9 conversion code. # set1=cp437 set2=iso-8859-15 result="`echo '<? for($c=32;$c<256;$c++)'\ 'echo chr($c);'\ |php -q|recode -f $set1..$set2`" echo "// This php function call converts \$string in $set1 to $set2"; cat <<EOF | php -q <?php \$set1='`echo -n "$result"\ |perl -pe "s/([\\\\\'])/\\\\\\\\\\$1/g"`'; \$set2='`echo -n "$result"|recode -f $set2..$set1\ |perl -pe "s/([\\\\\'])/\\\\\\\\\\$1/g"`'; \$erase=array(); \$l=strlen(\$set1); for(\$c=0;\$c<\$l;++\$c) if(\$set1[\$c]==\$set2[\$c])\$erase[\$set1[\$c]]=''; if(count(\$erase)) { \$set1=strtr(\$set1,\$erase); \$set2=strtr(\$set2,\$erase); } if(!strlen(\$set1))echo 'IRREVERSIBLE';else echo "strtr(\\\$string,\n '", ereg_replace('([\\\\\\'])', '\\\\\\1', \$set2), "',\n '", ereg_replace('([\\\\\\'])', '\\\\\\1', \$set1), "');"; EOF |
Change Language![]() addcslashes addslashes bin2hex chop chr chunk_split convert_cyr_string convert_uudecode convert_uuencode count_chars crc32 crypt echo explode fprintf get_html_translation_table hebrev hebrevc html_entity_decode htmlentities htmlspecialchars_decode htmlspecialchars implode join levenshtein localeconv ltrim md5_file md5 metaphone money_format nl_langinfo nl2br number_format ord parse_str printf quoted_printable_decode quotemeta rtrim setlocale sha1_file sha1 similar_text soundex sprintf sscanf str_getcsv str_ireplace str_pad str_repeat str_replace str_rot13 str_shuffle str_split str_word_count strcasecmp strchr strcmp strcoll strcspn strip_tags stripcslashes stripos stripslashes stristr strlen strnatcasecmp strnatcmp strncasecmp strncmp strpbrk strpos strrchr strrev strripos strrpos strspn strstr strtok strtolower strtoupper strtr substr_compare substr_count substr_replace substr trim ucfirst ucwords vfprintf vprintf vsprintf wordwrap |