![]() substr_count
Count the number of substring occurrences
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
Example 2475. A substr_count() example<?php Related Examples ( Source code ) » substr_count Examples ( Source code ) » Substring count Code Examples / Notes » substr_countxinfox x
Yet another reference to the "cgcgcgcgcgcgc" example posted by "chris at pecoraro dot net": Your request can be fulfilled with the Perl compatible regular expressions and their lookahead and lookbehind features. The example $number_of_full_pattern = preg_match_all('/(cgc)/', "cgcgcgcgcgcgcg", $chunks); works like the substr_count function. The variable $number_of_full_pattern has the value 3, because the default behavior of Perl compatible regular expressions is to consume the characters of the string subject that were matched by the (sub)pattern. That is, the pointer will be moved to the end of the matched substring. But we can use the lookahead feature that disables the moving of the pointer: $number_of_full_pattern = preg_match_all('/(cg(?=c))/', "cgcgcgcgcgcgcg", $chunks); In this case the variable $number_of_full_pattern has the value 6. Firstly a string "cg" will be matched and the pointer will be moved to the end of this string. Then the regular expression looks ahead whether a 'c' can be matched. Despite of the occurence of the character 'c' the pointer is not moved. flobi
Making this case insensitive is easy for anyone who needs this. Simply convert the haystack and the needle to the same case (upper or lower). substr_count(strtoupper($haystack), strtoupper($needle)) danjr33
I ran into trouble using this function when I moved a script from a server with PHP5 to a server with only PHP4. As the last two parameters were added with 5.1.0, I wrote a substitute function: <?php function substr_count5($str,$search,$offset,$len) { return substr_count(substr($str,$offset,$len),$search); } ?> Use it exactly as substr_count() is used in PHP5. (This will work in PHP5 as well.) info
a simple version for an array needle (multiply sub-strings): <?php function substr_count_array( $haystack, $needle ) { $count = 0; foreach ($needle as $substring) { $count += substr_count( $haystack, $substring); } return $count; } ?> |
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