Returns numerically index array with all timezone identifiers
(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0)
Example 467. A timezone_identifiers_list() example<?php The above example will output something similar to: Africa/Abidjan Code Examples / Notes » timezone_identifiers_listspam1
Hi! Since many are going to use these timezones for saving their users' timezones, I wrote a little something that builds the select-field for this purpose and removes the "Others" that are not supposed to be used. Note that <optgroup> is not widely supported and causes a bug in Opera 6. I know this is easy to do, but you need to examine the timezones first (for example to remember that Istanbul is in the category for two continents - of course). <select name="timezonechoice" size="10"><?php function timezonechoice($selectedzone) { $all = timezone_identifiers_list(); $i = 0; foreach($all AS $zone) { $zone = explode('/',$zone); $zonen[$i]['continent'] = $zone[0]; $zonen[$i]['city'] = $zone[1]; $i++; } asort($zonen); foreach($zonen AS $zone) { extract($zone); if($continent == 'Africa' OR $continent == 'America' OR $continent == 'Antarctica' OR $continent == 'Arctic' OR $continent == 'Asia' OR $continent == 'Atlantic' OR $continent == 'Australia' OR $continent == 'Europe' OR $continent == 'Indian' OR $continent == 'Pacific') { if(!isset($letztercontinent)) $structure .= ' <optgroup label="'.$continent.'">'; // continent elseif($letztercontinent!=$continent) $structure .= '</optgroup> <optgroup label="'.$continent.'">'; // continent if($city!='') $structure .= " <option ".((($continent.'/'.$city)==$selectedzone)?'selected="selected "':'')." value=\"".($continent.'/'.$city)."\">".str_replace('_',' ',$city)."</option>"; //Timezone else $structure .= " <option ".(($continent==$selectedzone)?'selected="selected "':'')." value=\"".$continent."\">".$continent."</option>"; //Timezone $letztercontinent = $continent; } } $structure .= ' </optgroup>'; return $structure; } echo timezonechoice('Europe/Berlin'); ?></select> Hope this saves someone some effort. |
Change Languagecheckdate date_create date_date_set date_default_timezone_get date_default_timezone_set date_format date_isodate_set date_modify date_offset_get date_parse date_sun_info date_sunrise date_sunset date_time_set date_timezone_get date_timezone_set date getdate gettimeofday gmdate gmmktime gmstrftime idate localtime microtime mktime strftime strptime strtotime time timezone_abbreviations_list timezone_identifiers_list timezone_name_from_abbr timezone_name_get timezone_offset_get timezone_open timezone_transitions_get |