![]() timezone_offset_get
Returns the timezone offset from GMT
(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0)
Example 469. timezone_offset_get() examples<?php Code Examples / Notes » timezone_offset_getrichard
The following extended example may make the usage clearer; <?php // Create two timezone objects, one for Taipei (Taiwan) and one for // Tokyo (Japan) $dateTimeZoneTaipei = new DateTimeZone("Asia/Taipei"); $dateTimeZoneJapan = new DateTimeZone("Asia/Tokyo"); // Create two DateTime objects that will contain the same Unix timestamp, but // have different timezones attached to them. $dateTimeTaipei = new DateTime("now", $dateTimeZoneTaipei); $dateTimeJapan = new DateTime("now", $dateTimeZoneJapan); // NOTE: $dateTimeJapan is not used further in this example // Calculate the GMT offset for the date/time contained in the $dateTimeTaipei // object, but using the timezone rules as defined for Tokyo // ($dateTimeZoneJapan). $timeOffset = $dateTimeZoneJapan->getOffset($dateTimeTaipei); // Should show int(32400) (for dates after Sat Sep 8 01:00:00 1951 JST). print("Number of seconds Japan is ahead of GMT at the specific time: "); var_dump($timeOffset); print("<br />Number of seconds Taipei is ahead of GMT at the specific time: "); var_dump($dateTimeZoneTaipei->getOffset($dateTimeTaipei)); print("<br />Number of seconds Japan is ahead of Taipei at the specific time: "); var_dump($dateTimeZoneJapan->getOffset($dateTimeTaipei) -$dateTimeZoneTaipei->getOffset($dateTimeTaipei)); print("<hr />"); ?> Number of seconds Japan is ahead of GMT at the specific time: int(32400) Number of seconds Taipei is ahead of GMT at the specific time: int(28800) Number of seconds Japan is ahead of Taipei at the specific time: int(3600) |
Change Language![]() checkdate date_create date_date_set date_default_timezone_get date_default_timezone_set date_format date_isodate_set date_modify date_offset_get date_parse date_sun_info date_sunrise date_sunset date_time_set date_timezone_get date_timezone_set date getdate gettimeofday gmdate gmmktime gmstrftime idate localtime microtime mktime strftime strptime strtotime time timezone_abbreviations_list timezone_identifiers_list timezone_name_from_abbr timezone_name_get timezone_offset_get timezone_open timezone_transitions_get |