![]() version_compare
Compares two "PHP-standardized" version number strings
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.7, PHP 5)
Example 1861. version_compare() example<?php Code Examples / Notes » version_compareeric
[editors note] snipbit fixed after comment from Matt Mullenweg --jm [/editors note] so in a nutshell... I believe it works best like this: <?php if (version_compare(phpversion(), "4.3.0", ">=")) { // you're on 4.3.0 or later } else { // you're not } ?> hayley watson
Yes; I was incorrect. However "1.0pl" is greater than "1.0.1", since "pl" comes after any number (this should perhaps be noted in the documentation: dev < alpha = a < beta = b < RC < # < pl)
To answer elmuerte's note (06-Jul-2006 03:24), you'd even better remove spaces than replacing them. <?php version_compare("", "") == 1; // good version_compare(" 1", " 2") == 1; version_compare(" 1", " 2") == 1; version_compare("", "") == 1; ?> aidan
This functionality is now implemented in the PEAR package PHP_Compat. More information about using this function without upgrading your version of PHP can be found on the below link: http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_Compat opendb
Something that may trip some folks up, but is useful to mention is that the following version comparison does not work quite as I expected: version_compare('1.0.1', '1.0pl1', '>') However, its quite easy to get working: version_compare('1.0.1', '1.0.0pl1', '>') rickard andersson
It should be noted that version_compare() considers 1 < 1.0 < 1.0.0 etc. I'm guessing this is due to the left-to-right nature of the algorithm.
If you're careful, this function actualy works quite nicely for comparing version numbers from programs other than PHP itself. I've used it to compare MySQL version numbers. The only issue is that version_compare doesn't recognize the 'gamma' addition that mysql uses as being later than 'alpha' or 'beta', because the latter two are treated specially. If you keep this in mind though, you should have no problems.
jonathon dot reinhart
I know this is somewhat incomplete, but it did a fair enough job for what I needed. I was writing some code that needed done immediately on a server that was to be upgraded some time in the future. Here is a quick replacement for version_compare (without the use of the operator argument). Feel free to add to this / complete it. <?php function version_compare2($version1, $version2) { $v1 = explode('.',$version1); $v2 = explode('.',$version2); if ($v1[0] > $v2[0]) $ret = 1; else if ($v1[0] < $v2[0]) $ret = -1; else // Major ver are = { if ($v1[1] > $v2[1]) $ret = 1; else if ($v1[1] < $v2[1]) $ret = -1; else // Minor ver are = { if ($v1[2] > $v2[2]) $ret = 1; else if ($v1[2] < $v2[2]) $ret = -1; else $ret = 0; } } return $ret; } ?> mina86
Here's a wrapper which is more tolerant as far as order of arguments is considered: <?php function ver_cmp($arg1, $arg2 = null, $arg3 = null) { static $phpversion = null; if ($phpversion===null) $phpversion = phpversion(); switch (func_num_args()) { case 1: return version_compare($phpversion, $arg1); case 2: if (preg_match('/^[lg][te]|[<>]=?|[!=]?=|eq|ne|<>$/i', $arg1)) return version_compare($phpversion, $arg2, $arg1); elseif (preg_match('/^[lg][te]|[<>]=?|[!=]?=|eq|ne|<>$/i', $arg2)) return version_compare($phpversion, $arg1, $arg2); return version_compare($arg1, $arg2); default: $ver1 = $arg1; if (preg_match('/^[lg][te]|[<>]=?|[!=]?=|eq|ne|<>$/i', $arg2)) return version_compare($arg1, $arg3, $arg2); return version_compare($arg1, $arg2, $arg3); } } ?> It also uses phpversion() as a default version if only one string is present. It can make your code look nicer 'cuz you can now write: <?php if (ver_cmp($version1, '>=', $version2)) something; ?> and to check a version string against the PHP's version you might use: <?php if (ver_cmp('>=', $version)) something; ?> instead of using phpversion(). sam
Actually, it works to any degree: <?php version_compare('', '') version_compare('', '') ?> will both give -1 (ie the left is lower than the right). |
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