Advanced PHP debuggerAPD is the Advanced PHP Debugger. It was written to provide profiling and debugging capabilities for PHP code, as well as to provide the ability to print out a full stack backtrace. APD supports interactive debugging, but by default it writes data to trace files. It also offers event based logging so that varying levels of information (including function calls, arguments passed, timings, etc.) can be turned on or off for individual scripts.
APD is a Zend Extension, modifying the way the internals of PHP handle function calls, and thus may or may not be compatible with other Zend Extensions (for example Zend Optimizer). APD is currently available as a PECL extension from » http://pecl.php.net/package/apd. Make sure you have installed the CGI version of PHP and it is available in your current path along with the phpize script. Run the following command to download, build, and install the latest stable version of APD: pear install apd This automatically installs the APD Zend module into your PHP extensions directory. It is not mandatory to keep it there; you can store the module in any directory PHP can read as long as you set the zend_extension parameter accordingly.
Windows users can download the extension dll In your INI file, add the following lines: zend_extension = /absolute/path/to/apd.so Depending on your PHP build, the zend_extension directive can be one of the following: zend_extension (non ZTS, non debug build) To build APD under Windows you need a working PHP compilation environment as described on http://php.net/ -- basically, it requires you to have Microsoft Visual C++, win32build.zip, bison/flex, and some know how to get it to work. Also ensure that adp.dsp has DOS line endings; if it has unix line endings, Microsoft Visual C++ will complain about it.
The behaviour of these functions is affected by settings in Table 19. APD Configuration Options
Here's a short explanation of the configuration directives.
The constants below are defined by this extension, and will only be available when the extension has either been compiled into PHP or dynamically loaded at runtime. Table 20. APD constants
If you have comments, bugfixes, enhancements or want to help developing this beast, you can send an mail to » apd@mail.communityconnect.com. Any help is very welcome. Table of Contents
Code Examples / Notes » ref.apdng4rrjanbiah
Some useful links on APD: 1. Profiling PHP Applications ( http://www.schlossnagle.org/~george/talks/Profiling-phpworks-2004.pdf ), [1.40 MB], George Schlossnagle, 2004-09-23 2. PHP Performance Profiling ( http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/7213 ), [13.16 KB], Jonathan Oxer, 2003-10-21 3. APD Wiki ( http://www.wiki.cc/php/Apd ) HTH, R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah martin
re: iainargent at hotmail dot com i've been able to run pecl install apd against PHP 5.2.4 without any issues, although you are right, development seems to have completely ceased bugbuster
Locate the root-cause of defects, fast. If you need to locate the source of a defect in complicated web-based PHP applications with lots of conditional includes (osCommerce and Zen-Cart are reasonably complex), use APD to create a profile dump. Then filter the dump for lines containing "!" to produce a list of included (required) files in the order they were included. On my Win98 dev box I use: find "!" dumpfile > trace_program.txt I use the trace_program.txt to backtrack to the root-cause of defects appearing in the browser. Great for maintaining systems you did not build yourself. judas dot iscariote
if you are looking for better/different alternatives to APD, check the xdebug website http://www.xdebug.org or download it from PECL http://pecl.php.net/xdebug
If pprofp reports 'No such file or directory', it's probably because it contains an incorrect path to your php client. Open pprofp in your fav editor, edit the first line, and try again.
Development seems to have ceased on this project. It doesn't work with PHP 5.2 and this bug has been open for nearly a year now. http://pecl.php.net/bugs/bug.php?id=9329 |
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