PHP : Function Reference : IBM DB2, Cloudscape and Apache Derby Functions
These functions enable you to access IBM DB2 Universal Database, IBM
Cloudscape, and Apache Derby databases using the DB2 Call Level Interface
(DB2 CLI).
To connect to IBM DB2 Universal Database for Linux, UNIX, and Windows, or
IBM Cloudscape, or Apache Derby, you must install an IBM DB2 Universal
Database client on the same computer on which you are running PHP. The
extension has been developed and tested with DB2 Version 8.2.
To connect to IBM DB2 Universal Database for z/OS or iSeries, you also
require IBM DB2 Connect or the equivalent DRDA gateway software.
Requirements on Linux or Unix
The user invoking the PHP executable or SAPI must specify the DB2 instance
before accessing these functions. You can set the name of the DB2 instance
in php.ini using the ibm_db2.instance_name
configuration option, or you can source the DB2 instance profile before
invoking the PHP executable.
If you created a DB2 instance named db2inst1 in
/home/db2inst1/ , for example, you can add the
following line to php.ini :
If you do not set this option in php.ini , you must issue the
following command to modify your environment variables to enable access to
bash$ source /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile
To enable your PHP-enabled Web server to access these functions, you must
either set the ibm_db2.instance_name configuration
option in php.ini , or source the DB2 instance environment in your Web
server start script (typically /etc/init.d/httpd or
/etc/init.d/apache ).
To build the ibm_db2 extension, the DB2 application development header
files and libraries must be installed on your system. DB2 does not install
these by default, so you may have to return to your DB2 installer and add
this option. The header files are included with the DB2 Application
Development Client freely available for download from the IBM DB2 Universal
Database » support site.
If you add the DB2 application development header files and libraries to
a Linux or Unix operating system on which DB2 was already installed, you
must issue the command db2iupdt -e to update the symbolic
links to the header files and libraries in your DB2 instances.
ibm_db2 is a » PECL extension, so follow the
instructions in Chapter 5, Installation of PECL extensions to install the ibm_db2
extension for PHP. Issue the configure command to point
to the location of your DB2 header files and libraries as follows:
bash$ ./configure --with-IBM_DB2=/path/to/DB2
The configure command defaults to
/opt/IBM/db2/V8.1 .
Note for IIS users:
If you are using the ibm_db2 driver with Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS)
you may have to do the following:
Install DB2 with extended operating system security.
Add the PHP binary path to the PATH system environment variable (default C:\php\).
Create another system environment variable equal to the path where the PHP.INI file is located (eg: PHPRC = C:\php\).
Add the IUSR_COMPUTERNAME to the DB2USERS group.
The behaviour of these functions is affected by settings in php.ini .
Table 124. ibm_db2 Configure Options
Name |
Default |
Changeable |
Changelog |
ibm_db2.binmode |
"1" |
ibm_db2.i5_allow_commit |
"0" |
Available since ibm_db2 1.4.9. |
ibm_db2.i5_dbcs_alloc |
"0" |
Available since ibm_db2 1.5.0. |
ibm_db2.instance_name |
Available since ibm_db2 1.0.2. |
Here's a short explanation of
the configuration directives.
This option controls the mode used for converting to and from binary
data in the PHP application.
This option controls the commit mode used for i5 schema collections
in the PHP application.
This option controls the internal ibm_db2 allocation scheme
for large DBCS column buffers.
On Linux and UNIX operating systems, this option defines the name of the
instance to use for cataloged database connections. If this option is set,
its value overrides the DB2INSTANCE environment variable setting.
This option is ignored on Windows operating systems.
The constants below are defined by this extension, and
will only be available when the extension has either
been compiled into PHP or dynamically loaded at runtime.
Specifies that binary data shall be returned as is. This is the default
Specifies that binary data shall be converted to a hexadecimal encoding
and returned as an ASCII string.
Specifies that binary data shall be converted to a
NULL value.
Specifies a scrollable cursor for a statement resource. This mode enables
random access to rows in a result set, but currently is supported only by
IBM DB2 Universal Database.
Specifies a forward-only cursor for a statement resource. This is the
default cursor type and is supported on all database servers.
Specifies the PHP variable should be bound as an IN parameter for a
stored procedure.
Specifies the PHP variable should be bound as an OUT parameter for a
stored procedure.
Specifies the PHP variable should be bound as an INOUT parameter for a
stored procedure.
Specifies that the column should be bound directly to a file for input.
Specifies that autocommit should be turned on.
Specifies that autocommit should be turned off.
Specifies that the variable should be bound as a DOUBLE, FLOAT, or REAL
data type.
Specifies that the variable should be bound as a SMALLINT, INTEGER, or
BIGINT data type.
Specifies that the variable should be bound as a CHAR or VARCHAR data type.
Specifies that column names will be returned in their natural case.
Specifies that column names will be returned in lower case.
Specifies that column names will be returned in upper case.
Specifies that deferred prepare should be turned on for the specified statement resource.
Specifies that deferred prepare should be turned off for the specified statement resource.
The ibm_db2 extension returns connection resources, statement resources,
and result set resources.
Table of Contents
db2_autocommit —
Returns or sets the AUTOCOMMIT state for a database connection
db2_bind_param —
Binds a PHP variable to an SQL statement parameter
db2_client_info — Returns an object with properties that describe the DB2 database client
db2_close —
Closes a database connection
db2_column_privileges —
Returns a result set listing the columns and associated privileges for a table
db2_columns —
Returns a result set listing the columns and associated metadata for a table
db2_commit —
Commits a transaction
db2_conn_error —
Returns a string containing the SQLSTATE returned by the last connection attempt
db2_conn_errormsg —
Returns the last connection error message and SQLCODE value
db2_connect —
Returns a connection to a database
db2_cursor_type —
Returns the cursor type used by a statement resource
db2_escape_string —
Used to escape certain characters.
db2_exec —
Executes an SQL statement directly
db2_execute —
Executes a prepared SQL statement
db2_fetch_array —
Returns an array, indexed by column position, representing a row in a result set
db2_fetch_assoc —
Returns an array, indexed by column name, representing a row in a result set
db2_fetch_both —
Returns an array, indexed by both column name and position, representing a row in a result set
db2_fetch_object —
Returns an object with properties representing columns in the fetched row
db2_fetch_row —
Sets the result set pointer to the next row or requested row
db2_field_display_size —
Returns the maximum number of bytes required to display a column
db2_field_name —
Returns the name of the column in the result set
db2_field_num —
Returns the position of the named column in a result set
db2_field_precision —
Returns the precision of the indicated column in a result set
db2_field_scale —
Returns the scale of the indicated column in a result set
db2_field_type —
Returns the data type of the indicated column in a result set
db2_field_width —
Returns the width of the current value of the indicated column in a result set
db2_foreign_keys —
Returns a result set listing the foreign keys for a table
db2_free_result —
Frees resources associated with a result set
db2_free_stmt —
Frees resources associated with the indicated statement resource
db2_get_option — Retrieves an option value for a statement resource or a connection resource
db2_lob_read —
Gets a user defined size of LOB files with each invocation
db2_next_result —
Requests the next result set from a stored procedure
db2_num_fields —
Returns the number of fields contained in a result set
db2_num_rows —
Returns the number of rows affected by an SQL statement
db2_pconnect —
Returns a persistent connection to a database
db2_prepare —
Prepares an SQL statement to be executed
db2_primary_keys —
Returns a result set listing primary keys for a table
db2_procedure_columns —
Returns a result set listing stored procedure parameters
db2_procedures —
Returns a result set listing the stored procedures registered in a database
db2_result —
Returns a single column from a row in the result set
db2_rollback —
Rolls back a transaction
db2_server_info — Returns an object with properties that describe the DB2 database server
db2_set_option — Set options for connection or statement resources
db2_special_columns —
Returns a result set listing the unique row identifier columns for a table
db2_statistics —
Returns a result set listing the index and statistics for a table
db2_stmt_error —
Returns a string containing the SQLSTATE returned by an SQL statement
db2_stmt_errormsg —
Returns a string containing the last SQL statement error message
db2_table_privileges —
Returns a result set listing the tables and associated privileges in a database
db2_tables —
Returns a result set listing the tables and associated metadata in a database
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