Memcache FunctionsMemcache module provides handy procedural and object oriented interface to memcached, highly effective caching daemon, which was especially designed to decrease database load in dynamic web applications.
The Memcache module also provides a session handler ( More information about memcached can be found at » http://www.danga.com/memcached/. This module uses functions of » zlib to support on-the-fly data compression. Zlib is required to install this module. PHP 4.3.3 or newer is required to use the memcache extension. This » PECL extension is not bundled with PHP. Information for installing this PECL extension may be found in the manual chapter titled Installation of PECL extensions. Additional information such as new releases, downloads, source files, maintainer information, and a CHANGELOG, can be located here: » http://pecl.php.net/package/memcache.
In order to use these functions you must compile PHP with Memcache support
by using the
Windows users will enable
The behaviour of these functions is affected by settings in Table 170. Memcache Configuration Options
Here's a short explanation of the configuration directives.
There is only one resource type used in memcache module - it's the link identifier for a cache server connection. Table 171. Memcache Constants
Example 1305. memcache extension overview exampleIn this example, an object is being saved in the cache and then retrieved back. Object and other non-scalar types are serialized before saving, so it's impossible to store resources (i.e. connection identifiers and others) in the cache. <?php Example 1306. Using memcache session handler<?php Table of Contents
Code Examples / Notes » ref.memcachemoazzamk
You can't call parent::__construct() in the constructor of your class if you are extending the memcache class. However, not running the constructor still initiates it and works fine. <?php // wrong class a extends Memcache { function __construct($host, $port) { parent::__construct(); $this->connect($host, $port); } //correct class a extends Memcache { function __construct($host, $port) { parent::__construct(); $this->connect($host, $port); } ?> I am guessing this applies to all native/PECL classes. roberto spadim
You can use tugela cache if you want disk and memory cache http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Tugela_Cache mogmios
When installing the memcache module for Apache/PHP with a non-standard location it seems like there is no way to define the location when configuring for build. You'll get an error complaining about being unable to find php_session.h. I modified configure to try the PREFIX location too and that seems to have worked fine. if test -f "${prefix}/include/php/ext/session/php_session.h"; then session_inc_path="${prefix}/include/php" elif test -f "$abs_srcdir/include/php/ext/session/php_session.h"; then session_inc_path="$abs_srcdir/include/php" elif test -f "$abs_srcdir/ext/session/php_session.h"; then session_inc_path="$abs_srcdir" elif test -f "$phpincludedir/ext/session/php_session.h"; then session_inc_path="$phpincludedir" fi gil
There is a tiny bug in the Aggregator class when using the flush() function. The reference to $connections should be $this->connections. Change: public function flush() { $result = false; for ($i = 0; $i < count($connections); $i++) { if ($this->connections[$i]->flush()) { $result = true; } } return $result; } To: public function flush() { $result = false; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->connections); $i++) { if ($this->connections[$i]->flush()) { $result = true; } } return $result; } gregor j. rothfuss
The next version will have failover. It's been committed three weeks ago. Usage notes here: http://www.codecomments.com/archive367-2005-10-659421.html
Re. Installing the memcache extension: I had all kinds of troubles getting it hooked up, because in all of the instructions I read I never got the last, most important step - you must have a php.ini and have in it "extension=memcache.so." So, the steps: First - ./configure with --enable-memcache. This should show in your phpinfo() at the top (even though nothing of the memcache extension works yet). Second: either pecl install memcache OR download the source tar -xzvf [thesourcetarball] phpize ./configure make make install Finally: Add extension=memcache.so to your php.ini. (If you don't have one, it should go in the root of where php is called ie., /usr/local/lib) Call phpinfo() and you should see a memcache section. iliya
one more "intelligent" cache aggregator: https://svn.shadanakar.org/onPHP/ trunk/core/Cache/AggregateCache.class.php can be used with several cache connectors - memcached, filesystem, etc. (remove whitespace manually) colin guthrie
I have noticed a bug/documentation error: The above docs say the following about the session.save_path arguement: "Each url may contain parameters which are applied to that server, they are the same as for the Memcache::addServer() method. " addServer method's docs say: "port Point to the port where memcached is listening for connections. This parameter is optional and its default value is 11211. Set this parameter to 0 when using UNIX domain sockets. " However when specifying the save_path, I have found that with PHP 5.2.3 and memcache 2.1.2 that the port is a *required* part of the string. Hope that helps some people scratching their heads. jcastromail
Hi there: For run memcached in a windows box: (tested with latest php,apache and memcache in xp sp2) a) download the php_memcache.dll it can be found in the pecl file. b) put the dll in the extension folder (c:/php/extension for example). You cannot miss this folder because they are filled with php*.dll files. In some cases the extension folder used is the system32, a non-standard way to put dll but still works. c)configure the php.ini ; i put this like the latest extension extension=php_memcache.dll ; i'm not sure about this but don't hurts.. [Memcache] memcache.allow_failover = 1 memcache.max_failover_attempts=20 memcache.chunk_size =8192 memcache.default_port = 11211 d)This is important, memcached works with a EXTERNAL service. This service must be downloaded and installed prior to use the memcache. I use: http://jehiah.cz/projects/memcached-win32/ e)Remember to install the service and to start the service memcached.exe -d install for install and run services.msc for start the memcached service (or restart the system). f) check the firewall ports. Finally restart the apache/iis and runs some test. At least in phpinfo must show some info about the memcache. Final notes :The "awe" about memcache is not only can help for speed some process (or reduce the cpu use), also can be used like a global session for store a whole object also this "global session" is shared among all the users, like APPLICATION used in ASP. So (for example) it's possible to do a user counter without needing of database or writing a file. ron
Here is a simple memcached aggregator class which distributes the cache among multiple cache servers. If a server fails, the load is redistributed automatically. It uses persistent connections. The constructor takes an array of arrays, with each inner array representing a server, with a 'server' (string) attribute that is the IP addres or host name of the memcached server, and a 'port' (int) attribute that is the port number on which memcached is running on the server. All of the existing memcached API functions are implemented except getStats() and getVersion(), which are server-specific. <?php class MemcachedAggregator { var $connections; public function __construct($servers) { // Attempt to establish/retrieve persistent connections to all servers. // If any of them fail, they just don't get put into our list of active // connections. $this->connections = array(); for ($i = 0, $n = count($servers); $i < $n; $i++) { $server = $servers[$i]; $con = memcache_pconnect($server['host'], $server['port']); if (!($con == false)) { $this->connections[] = $con; } } } private function _getConForKey($key) { $hashCode = 0; for ($i = 0, $len = strlen($key); $i < $len; $i++) { $hashCode = (int)(($hashCode*33)+ord($key[$i])) & 0x7fffffff; } if (($ns = count($this->connections)) > 0) { return $this->connections[$hashCode%$ns]; } return false; } public function debug($on_off) { $result = false; for ($i = 0; $i < count($connections); $i++) { if ($this->connections[$i]->debug($on_off)) $result = true; } return $result; } public function flush() { $result = false; for ($i = 0; $i < count($connections); $i++) { if ($this->connections[$i]->flush()) $result = true; } return $result; } /// The following are not implemented: ///getStats() ///getVersion() public function get($key) { if (is_array($key)) { $dest = array(); foreach ($key as $subkey) { $val = get($subkey); if (!($val === false)) $dest[$subkey] = $val; } return $dest; } else { return $this->_getConForKey($key)->get($key); } } public function set($key, $var, $compress=0, $expire=0) { return $this->_getConForKey($key)->set($key, $var, $compress, $expire); } public function add($key, $var, $compress=0, $expire=0) { return $this->_getConForKey($key)->add($key, $var, $compress, $expire); } public function replace($key, $var, $compress=0, $expire=0) { return $this->_getConForKey($key)->replace ($key, $var, $compress, $expire); } public function delete($key, $timeout=0) { return $this->_getConForKey($key)->delete($key, $timeout); } public function increment($key, $value=1) { return $this->_getConForKey($key)->increment($key, $value); } public function decrement($key, $value=1) { return $this->_getConForKey($key)->decrement($key, $value); } } ?> markfrawley
Here is a PHP4 backport of the above MemcacheAggregator class: <?php class MemcachedAggregator { var $connections; var $_servers; function MemcachedAggregator($servers) { $this->_servers = $servers; // Attempt to establish/retrieve persistent connections to all servers. // If any of them fail, they just don't get put into our list of active // connections. $this->connections = array(); for ($i = 0, $n = count($servers); $i < $n; $i++) { $server = $servers[$i]; $con = memcache_connect($server['host']); //memcache_debug(1); //$memcache = &new Memcache; //$con = $memcache->connect($server['host']); if (!($con == false)) { $this->connections[] = &$con; } } } function _getConForKey($key) { $hashCode = 0; for ($i = 0, $len = strlen($key); $i < $len; $i++) { $hashCode = (int)(($hashCode*33)+ord($key[$i])) & 0x7fffffff; } if (($ns = count($this->connections)) > 0) { return $this->connections[$hashCode%$ns]; //return $this->connections[0]; } return false; } function debug($on_off) { $result = false; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->connections); $i++) { if ($this->connections[$i]->debug($on_off)) $result = true; } return $result; } function flush() { $result = false; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->connections); $i++) { if ($this->connections[$i]->flush()) $result = true; } return $result; } /// The following are not implemented: ///getStats() ///getVersion() function get($key) { if (is_array($key)) { $dest = array(); foreach ($key as $subkey) { $val = get($subkey); if (!($val === false)) $dest[$subkey] = $val; } return $dest; } else { $conn = &$this->_getConForKey($key); return $conn->get($key); } } function set($key, $var, $compress=0, $expire=0) { $conn = &$this->_getConForKey($key); return $conn->set($key, $var, $compress, $expire); } function add($key, $var, $compress=0, $expire=0) { $conn = &$this->_getConForKey($key); return $conn->add($key, $var, $compress, $expire); } function replace($key, $var, $compress=0, $expire=0) { $conn = &$this->_getConForKey($key); return $conn->replace($key, $var, $compress, $expire); } function delete($key, $timeout=0) { $conn = &$this->_getConForKey($key); return $conn->delete($key, $timeout); } function increment($key, $value=1) { $conn = &$this->_getConForKey($key); return $conn->increment($key, $value); } function decrement($key, $value=1) { $conn = &$this->_getConForKey($key); return $conn->decrement($key, $value); } function showStats($server=null) { $stats_out = ''; if($server == null) { $i=0; foreach($this->connections as $conn) { $server = $this->_servers[$i]; $stats_array = memcache_get_stats($conn); $stats_out .= "</br><b>Server: ".$server['host'].": </b><br/>"; foreach($stats_array as $key => $val) { $stats_out .= "$key => $val <br/>"; } $i++; } } return $stats_out; } } ?> ron
An improvement to the above: The above class will cause an error if all cache servers are down. The preferred behavior is to just have a cache miss (or take no action in the case of write operations) and return false, so the app can run in non-cached mode if all cache servers are down. To make this happen, simply change the connection usage to look something like this in each affected function. This code is for the get() function: $con = $this->_getConForKey($key); if ($con === false) return false; return $con->get($key); Similarly, the affected code in the set() function would look like this: $con = $this->_getConForKey($key); if ($con === false) return false; return $con->set($key, $var, $compress, $expire); Modify each function accordingly, and if all of your cache servers are down, you can still function (although more slowly due to the 100% cache miss rate). |
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