SDO XML Data Access Service FunctionsIn order to use the XML Data Access Service for Service Data Objects, you will need to understand some of the concepts behind SDO: the data graph, the data object, XPath and property expressions, and so on. If you are not familiar with these ideas, you might want to look first at the section on SDO. The job of the XML DAS is to move data between the application and an XML data source, which can be either a file or a URL. SDOs are always created and maintained according to a model which defines type names and what property names each type may have. For data which is from XML, this SDO model is built from a schema file written in XML schema language (an xsd file). This schema file is usually passed to the create method when the XMLDAS is initialised. The » SDO 2.0 specification defines the mapping between XML types and SDO types. There are a number of small limitations in the PHP support - not everything which is in the specification can be done - and these limitations are summarised in a later section. The SDO XML Data Access Service requires PHP 5.1.0 or higher. It is packaged with the SDO extension and requires SDO to have been installed. See the SDO installation instructions for the details of how to do this. The XML Data Access Service is packaged and installed as part of the SDO extension. Please Refer SDO installation instructions.
Several of the following examples are based on the
letter example
described in the
SDO documentation.
The examples assume the XML Schema for the letter is contained in a file
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" <letter:letters xmlns:letter="http://letterSchema"> Example 2188. Loading, altering, and saving an XML documentThe following example shows how an XML document can be loaded from a file, altered, and written back. <?php
An instance of the XML DAS is first obtained from the
which is a static method of the
This will write the following to <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> Example 2189. Creating a new XML documentThe previous example loaded the document from a file. This example shows how to create an SDO data graph in memory. In this example it is then saved to an XML string. Furthermore, because the letter contains both structured and unstructured content, it uses the Sequence API as well assignments to properties to construct the data graph. <?php The createDocument() method on the XML DAS returns a document object with a single root data object corresponding to an empty document element. The element name of the document element is known from the schema file. If there is any ambiguity about what the document element is, as there can be when more than one schema has been loaded into the same XML DAS, the element name and the namespace URI can be passed to the createDocument() method. This will emit the following output (line breaks have been inserted for readability): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> Example 2190. Setting XML document propertiesThis third example shows you how to set the XML version and encoding on the document object. These will be used when the XML is written out. If no XML declaration is wanted at all (perhaps you want to generate the XML as a string to embed in something) then you can use the setXMLDeclaration() method to suppress it. <?php The XML version and encoding are set in the XML declaration at the top of the XML document. <?xml version="1.1" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> Example 2191. Using an open typeThis fourth example illustrates the use of an SDO open type and the use of the createDataObject() method. For this example we use the following two schema: <schema
Note the presence of the
<schema xmlns= "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> Here is the example PHP code that uses these two schema files: <?php
These two schema files are loaded into the XML DAS with first the
method is used to create three separate data objects.
In each case the namespaceURI and typename of the type are passed to the
method: in this example the namespace URI is blank because no
namespace is used in the schema.
Once the three data objects - representing a bear, a panther and a snake -
have been created, a document object is created with the
In this case there is no ambiguity about what the document element of the
document should be - as the second schema file only defines complex types,
the document element can only be the global
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> Example 2192. Finding out what you can from the documentThis example is intended to illustrate how you can find the element name and namespace of the document element from the XML Document object, and the SDO type and namespace from the root data object of the XML data object, and how they relate to one another. This can be difficult to understand because there are four method calls: two can be made against the Document object, and two that can be made against any data object including the root data object. Because of the rules that define how the SDO model is derived from the XML model, when the data object concerned is the root object that represents the document object for the document, only three possible values can come back from these four method calls. The two method calls that can be made against the document are getRootElementName() and getRootEelementURI(). These return the element name and namespace of the document element, respectively. The two method calls that can be made against any data object are getTypeName() and getTypeNamespaceURI(). These return the SDO type name and type namespace of the data object, respectively. Always, calling getRootElementURI() on the document object will return the same value as calling getNamespaceURI() on the root data object. Essentially, the information is all derived from the first few lines of the schema file, where there are three distinct pieces of information. For illustration, here again are the first few lines of the letter.xsd that we used above. <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" The three important values are:
It is part of the XML-SDO mapping rules that when the SDO model is built from the schema file, the typename and namespaceURI of the SDO types for the root element are taken from those of the complex type of the document element, where it exists. Hence in this example the typename of the root data object is FormLetter. In the event that there is no separate complex type definition for the document element, when the the type is defined inline and is anonymous, the SDO type name will be the same as the element name. The following program loads the letter document and checks the return values from each of the four calls. <?php The output from this program is as follows: The document element name is letters Example 2193. Printing the SDO modelThe XML DAS provides a simple means to see what types and properties have been loaded. The php "print" or "echo" instruction will print out the types and properties. <?php The output from this program is as follows: object(SDO_XML_DAS)#1 { The XML DAS provides two main classes. The first is SDO_DAS_XML which is the main class used to fetch the data from the XML source and used to write the data back. The second is the SDO_DAS_XML_Document class, which represents the data in the XML document. There are also some exception classes which can be thrown if errors are found when looking for or parsing the xsd or xml files. This is the main class of the XML DAS, which is used fetch the data from the xml source and also used to write the data back. Other than the methods to load and save xml files,
This class can be used to get to the name and namespace of the document element, and to get to the root data object of the document. Lastly, it can also be used to set the XML version and encoding of a document on output.
Is a subclass of
The » SDO 2.0 specification defines the mapping between XML types and SDO types. With Java SDO, this mapping is implemented by the XMLHelper. With SDO for PHP, this mapping is implemented by the XML Data Access Service. The XML DAS implements the mapping described in the SDO 2.0 specification with some restrictions. A detailed list is of the limitations is: Procedure 10. XML Simple Types
Procedure 11. XML Complex Types
Procedure 12. XSD Attribute
Procedure 13. XSD Elements
Procedure 14. XSD Elements with Simple Type
Table of Contents
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