If » PEAR is available on your *nix-like
system you can use the pear installer to install the xdiff extension, by the
following command: pear -v install xdiff.
You can always download the tar.gz package and install xdiff by hand:
gunzip xdiff-xxx.tgz
tar -xvf xdiff-xxx.tar
cd xdiff-xxx
./configure && make && make install
Predefined Constants
The constants below are defined by this extension, and
will only be available when the extension has either
been compiled into PHP or dynamically loaded at runtime.
the xdiff functions require your initial string to end with a \n character.
When you use xdiff_string_diff, the initial string must either be zero-length or end with \n
eg. $patch= xdiff_string_diff($string,$string2);
if not, the patch will return an empty string.
This will not normally affect xdiff_file_diff, but it's annoying nevertheless. To prevent this unexpected effect, I append a \n to the string before applying the initial diff, as follows.
if (!ereg("\n$",$string)) $string.="\n";