![]() opendir
Open directory handle
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
Example 507. opendir() example<?php The above example will output something similar to: filename: . : filetype: dir Related Examples ( Source code ) » opendir Examples ( Source code ) » Creating and Destroying a Directory Handle Examples ( Source code ) » Listing the Contents of a Directory with readdir() Examples ( Source code ) » Calculate the size for a directory Examples ( Source code ) » readdir Examples ( Source code ) » Print all files under a directory Examples ( Source code ) » Read the content from a directory Examples ( Source code ) » Reading Contents from a Directory Examples ( Source code ) » Define recursive function to delete directories Examples ( Source code ) » Create a swf slideshow Code Examples / Notes » opendirsamantha dot vincent
Using Apache 2.2.4 with PHP and MySQL I was trying to connect to a Novell Netware drive using opendir("R:/") where R: was pointing to a Netware resource on another server. The error returned was Warning: opendir(R:/) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: No such file or directory in path/to/my/phpfile/containing/opendir on line 34. Basically it is a problem with Netware rights and users and how the apache service was trying to connect to the resource. To get everything working as expected in the end we set up a Windows user account eg: webhost with the same password as a Netware account with username webhost, set the Netware account to have rights to the resource R:/ (we just used admin rights), and set the apache service to run as the webhost user using the username password combo. Hope this helps someone else out. matt grimm
Thought I could help clarify something with accessing network shares on a Windows network (2000 in this case), running PHP 4.3.2 under Apache 2.0.44. However you are logged into the Windows box, your Apache service must be running under an account which has access to the share. The easiest (and probably least safe) way for me was to change the user for the Apache service to the computer administrator (do this in the service properties, under the "Log On" tab). After restarting Apache, I could access mapped drives by their assigned drive letter ("z:\\") or regular shares by their UNC path ("\\\\shareDrive\\shareDir"). .....alexander
This is a script that prints all the file and directory names on your server no matter where the script file is located (could take a lot of time to execute, if you have a lot of directories and files...) Hope someone finds it useful... <?php print $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "<br />"; $root = @opendir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']); $dirs = array(); while($file = readdir($root)){ print $file; if((is_dir($file) || !stristr($file, ".")) && $file!="." && $file!=".."){ $dirs[] = ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . $file); print "(adding directory)"; } print "<br />"; } closedir($root); print "<br /><br />Inside Dirs: (" . (count($dirs)) . ")<br />"; $i = 0; while($i < count($dirs)){ $d = @opendir($dirs[$i]); print "<br /><br />Directory: " . $dirs[$i] . "<br />"; while($f = readdir($d)){ print $f; if((is_dir($f) || !stristr($f, ".")) && $f!="." && $f!=".."){ $dirs[] = $dirs[$i] . "/" . $f; print "(adding directory)"; } print "<br />"; } closedir($d); $i = $i + 1; } $i = $i - 1; ?> brett
This is a little script i wrote to generate a home page on my dev box by parsing the contents of my htdocs directory. It is encapsulated in a html table Arb but useful if you are as lazy as I am ;) <? $handle = opendir("./"); while (($file = readdir($handle))!==false) { if(is_dir($file)){ if($file != "." && $file != ".."){?> <tr> <td align="center" bgcolor="FFFFFF"><a href="<?= $file;?>"><?php echo ucwords($file)?></a></strong></td> </tr> <?php } } } closedir($handle); $handle = opendir("./"); while (($file = readdir($handle))!==false) { if(is_file($file)){ if($file != "." && $file != ".."){?> <tr> <td align="center" bgcolor="FFFFFF"><a href="<?= $file?>"><?php echo ucwords($file)?></a></strong></td> </tr> <?php } } } closedir($handle); ?> 06-oct-2005 05:40
This function sorts files by name as strings, but without regard to case. It also does some handy string formatting of the file size information. <? function getFiles($path) { //Function takes a path, and returns a numerically indexed array of associative arrays containing file information, //sorted by the file name (case insensitive). If two files are identical when compared without case, they will sort //relative to each other in the order presented by readdir() $files = array(); $fileNames = array(); $i = 0; if (is_dir($path)) { if ($dh = opendir($path)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($file == "." || $file == "..") continue; $fullpath = $path . "/" . $file; $fkey = strtolower($file); while (array_key_exists($fkey,$fileNames)) $fkey .= " "; $a = stat($fullpath); $files[$fkey]['size'] = $a['size']; if ($a['size'] == 0) $files[$fkey]['sizetext'] = "-"; else if ($a['size'] > 1024) $files[$fkey]['sizetext'] = (ceil($a['size']/1024*100)/100) . " K"; else if ($a['size'] > 1024*1024) $files[$fkey]['sizetext'] = (ceil($a['size']/(1024*1024)*100)/100) . " Mb"; else $files[$fkey]['sizetext'] = $a['size'] . " bytes"; $files[$fkey]['name'] = $file; $files[$fkey]['type'] = filetype($fullpath); $fileNames[$i++] = $fkey; } closedir($dh); } else die ("Cannot open directory: $path"); } else die ("Path is not a directory: $path"); sort($fileNames,SORT_STRING); $sortedFiles = array(); $i = 0; foreach($fileNames as $f) $sortedFiles[$i++] = $files[$f]; return $sortedFiles; } $files = getFiles("C:"); foreach ($files as $file) print "$file[name] \n"; ?> oryan
There's a simpler faster way to get a whole directory if you're using PHP 4. This function uses shell_exec - http://us3.php.net/shell_exec - and assumes you're using Unix/Linux and have shell access - function dir($directory){ $files=shell_exec("ls ".$directory); return explode("\n",$files); } This returns an array with all the files. This way, you can use modifiers like -t, which shows files in order of modification time ($files=shell_exec("ls -t ".$directory);). Enough tweaking and you can use it on Windows, though I can't say how since I don't have a Windows server to try it on aligma
The example given by oryan at zareste dot com may also be a "simpler faster way" of creating security holes in your code. The function listed above prevents risking execution of abitrary shell commands listed after a semicolon (;) in your directory name. Example: $directory = '.;rm -rf /'; Result: List this directory, erase contents of filesystem. mitka
Re: Accessing network directories on W32 In reply to the previous comments, to enable opendir() to open directories like "\\SOMEHOST\shareddir", with PHP+IIS: Follow the instructions here: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q189408 Check that the file share allows reads to IUSR_[HOSTNAME] user. christian
Pointing on the previous post, I'd like to say the following. You can use opendir on all valid (existant and reachable) folders. This counts not only for windows but also for linux. Under linux, you can also read root folders etc. To avoid access to non-public data, you should check the given parameter for opendir before executing opendir. Let's say you have this: /home/users/mrsmith/ /home/users/mrsmith/info.txt /home/users/mrsmith/test/photo.jpg /home/users/mradmin/private.txt Now you don't want mrsmith to access mradmin's folders/files. In that case you could/should define the path where the data MUST be inside. Attention: Don't check the data with substr though, it's not a secure solution. Exploit example: /home/users/mrsmith/../mradmin/ Exploit example2: /home/users/mrsmith/../../../../../../../../../../../../../dev/ I'd do a case sensitive regex match. So after the first folder there may not be a subfolder named ".." because that would jump one folder back. I hope this isn't too offtopic or so but I think it's important to think of that when creating file systems. neale-php
oryan's example is still sub-optimal, even if people using it never ever substitute a variable for directory. Just use PHP's glob() function, which will be faster and more efficient anyway since it doesn't have to launch a shell and run the ls program (that's what the shell_exec does). $result = glob("directory/*"); magicaltux
Note that the opendir() function will use ISO8859-1 characterset under windows... If you have korean, japanese, etc.. filenames, you won't be able to open them. I still didn't find any solution to workaround that. tony
John & I have edited the code posted by hendrik dot wermer at gmx dot de on 07-Feb-2005 06:06 This Code now allows for downloads form sub directories. We also used CSS to make the page's look customizable. You can view the example at: http://www.asterikast.com/code/dirlist.txt anon
In response to previous post, you can use realpath() to fix the '/../../../' problem. dblurred
In reponse to Tozeiler. Nice short directory dump. However, that displays the "." and "..". This removes those. It also makes an ordered list in case I needed to be on the phone while looking at the page. Easy to call out. <?php $path = "your path"; $dh = opendir($path); $i=1; while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if($file != "." && $file != "..") { echo "$i. <a href='$path/$file'>$file</a><br />"; $i++; } } closedir($dh); ?> mstabile75
In my previous post I ran into a problem with the "global" definition of $directorylist. If I called the function more than once on the same page it would combine the file lists. I looked at Lasse Dalegaard's example and used the following solution. remove global definition global $directorylist; REPLACE <? if ((($maxlevel) == "all") or ($maxlevel > $level)) { filelist($startdir . $file . "/", $searchSubdirs, $directoriesonly, $maxlevel, $level + 1); } ?> WITH <? if ((($maxlevel) == "all") or ($maxlevel > $level)) { $list2 = filelist($startdir . $file . "/", $searchSubdirs, $directoriesonly, $maxlevel, $level + 1); if(is_array($list2)) { $directorylist = array_merge($directorylist, $list2); } } ?> info
In addition to notes above about IIS & PHP reading network shares, here's one solution that works better for me. in the management console I created a folder where my "read_dir" script runs. click on properties then select the security tab. here you can set the anonymous account to the standard IUSR_$computername% , BUT.. in this case I chose another account that I set up for reading my shares. (make sure login name and password match the credantials you set on the remote machin ;-)) I use this to read a dir and it's contents into a searchable database. and it works like a charm... dieck
If you have problems like "failed to open dir: Invalid argument" when using IIS and trying to access windows/smb network shares, try //servername/share/directory instead of \\servername\share chrys
I wrote a function to recursively delete files from a starting directory. I had to do this because my server doesn't allow me to delete files that apache writes because I don't have permissions, so... I let apache do the work. <?php $dir = "/path/to/base/dir"; recursive_delete($dir); function recursive_delete( $dir ) { if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false ) { if( $file != "." && $file != ".." ) { if( is_dir( $dir . $file ) ) { echo "Entering Directory: $dir$file<br/>"; recursive_delete( $dir . $file . "/" ); echo "Removing Directory: $dir$file<br/><br/>"; rmdir( $dir . $file ); } else { echo "Deleting file: $dir$file<br/>"; unlink( $dir . $file ); } } } closedir($dh); } } } ?> dale dot liszka
I whipped up a little recursive directory searching function that has been very useful. I figured it belonged here. I'm sure its not the most robust or creative code, but it works for me. Note, you can use strpos for simple matches or preg_match if you want the power of regular expressions (however it is a bit slower). I also have it set to use double quotes "\\" for WIN32. change to "/" if necessary. It returns an array of all matching files with full path. function search_dir($mask,$dir,$level){ if($level > 3){ return "Exceeded max level (3)"; } $return_me = array(); if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { #echo "filename: $file : filetype: " . filetype($dir . $file) . " level: $level\n"; if(is_dir($dir."\\".$file) and $file != '.' and $file != '..'){ $test_return = search_dir($mask,$dir."\\".$file,$level+1); if(is_array($test_return)){ $temp = array_merge($test_return,$return_me); $return_me = $temp; } if(is_string($test_return)){ array_push($return_me,$test_return); } #} else if(strpos($file,$mask) !== FALSE){ #A bit faster, but you can't use regexs! } else if(preg_match($mask,$file)){ array_push($return_me,$dir."\\".$file); } } closedir($dh); } } return $return_me; } lolwut
I sometimes find this useful. Hope you will too. <?php //list_by_ext: returns an array containing an alphabetic list of files in the specified directory ($path) with a file extension that matches $extension function list_by_ext($extension, $path){ $list = array(); //initialise a variable $dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("Unable to open $path"); //attempt to open path while($file = readdir($dir_handle)){ //loop through all the files in the path if($file == "." || $file == ".."){continue;} //ignore these $filename = explode(".",$file); //seperate filename from extenstion $cnt = count($filename); $cnt--; $ext = $filename[$cnt]; //as above if(strtolower($ext) == strtolower($extension)){ //if the extension of the file matches the extension we are looking for... array_push($list, $file); //...then stick it onto the end of the list array } } if($list[0]){ //...if matches were found... return $list; //...return the array } else {//otherwise... return false; } } //example usage if($win32_exectuables = list_by_ext("exe", "C:\WINDOWS")){ var_dump($win32_exectuables); } else { echo "No windows executables found :(\n"; } ?> micklweiss
I ran into a little snag in example 1. opendir() lists files by the last time the file was accessed. I was trying to print the files numerically in a directory. Solution: Use scandir() instead (php5) or store the files in an array and sort it. Hope this helps someone. - Mick (o> Web / software developer ( ) UNIX Systems Admin --- ~ www.mickweiss.com ~ lasse dalegaard
I made a function for finding all files in a specified directory and all subdirectories. It can be quite usefull when searching in alot of files in alot subdirectories. The function returns an array with the path of all the files found. <? function getFiles($directory) { // Try to open the directory if($dir = opendir($directory)) { // Create an array for all files found $tmp = Array(); // Add the files while($file = readdir($dir)) { // Make sure the file exists if($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file[0] != '.') { // If it's a directiry, list all files within it if(is_dir($directory . "/" . $file)) { $tmp2 = getFiles($directory . "/" . $file); if(is_array($tmp2)) { $tmp = array_merge($tmp, $tmp2); } } else { array_push($tmp, $directory . "/" . $file); } } } // Finish off the function closedir($dir); return $tmp; } } // Example of use print_r(getFiles('.')); // This will find all files in the current directory and all subdirectories ?> 23-jan-2006 03:04
I Just wanted a directory list and a clickable link to download the files because my plesk server does not give me this function. I edited the script a little bit. Many thanks from a script-noob ------ <? echo ("<h1>Directory Overzicht:</h1>"); function getFiles($path) { //Function takes a path, and returns a numerically indexed array of associative arrays containing file information, //sorted by the file name (case insensitive). If two files are identical when compared without case, they will sort //relative to each other in the order presented by readdir() $files = array(); $fileNames = array(); $i = 0; if (is_dir($path)) { if ($dh = opendir($path)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($file == "." || $file == "..") continue; $fullpath = $path . "/" . $file; $fkey = strtolower($file); while (array_key_exists($fkey,$fileNames)) $fkey .= " "; $a = stat($fullpath); $files[$fkey]['size'] = $a['size']; if ($a['size'] == 0) $files[$fkey]['sizetext'] = "-"; else if ($a['size'] > 1024) $files[$fkey]['sizetext'] = (ceil($a['size']/1024*100)/100) . " K"; else if ($a['size'] > 1024*1024) $files[$fkey]['sizetext'] = (ceil($a['size']/(1024*1024)*100)/100) . " Mb"; else $files[$fkey]['sizetext'] = $a['size'] . " bytes"; $files[$fkey]['name'] = $file; $files[$fkey]['type'] = filetype($fullpath); $fileNames[$i++] = $fkey; } closedir($dh); } else die ("Cannot open directory: $path"); } else die ("Path is not a directory: $path"); sort($fileNames,SORT_STRING); $sortedFiles = array(); $i = 0; foreach($fileNames as $f) $sortedFiles[$i++] = $files[$f]; return $sortedFiles; } $files = getFiles("./"); foreach ($files as $file) print " <b><a href=\"$file[name]\">$file[name]</a></b> \n"; ?> cabal
I had problems getting it to work because I'm not the best at PHP, but there IS a way to use opendir to list things in alphabetical order. I'm using it for my university project. All you have to do is read the filenames into an array, sort the array and then do what you want with the filenames.... like this.... So that you know what all my variables mean in this - $stats is the folder that it looks in for the files - for example ?stats=images would look in the images folder Obviously you will want to modify it so it fits your needs, but I thought you guys would want this - especially if your server doesnt have the latest version of php. =========================== <?php $i = 0; $arraycount = 0; $home="/home/cabal/public_html/b146/admin/$stats"; if ($stats) { $dircheck="/home/cabal/public_html/b146/admin/$stats"; if (is_dir($dircheck)) { if ($handle = opendir($home)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $path = "$home/$file"; $extension = array_pop(explode('.', basename($path))); $filearray[$i] = $file; $i++; } } } closedir($handle); } else { echo "INCORRECT SELECTION"; } } else { echo "NOTHING SELECTED"; } echo " "; echo("<table width='100%' border='1'><tr><td><b><font color='#ff0000'>"); echo("$stats : Log File"); echo("</b></font></td><td><font color='#FF0000'><b>Page Views</b></font></td></tr>"); sort($filearray); reset($filearray); while (list($key, $val) = each($filearray)) { $includearray = "$home/$filearray[$key]"; echo("<tr><td>"); echo("$val"); echo("</td><td>"); include($includearray); echo("</td></tr>"); } echo("</table>"); ?> kcgt
I don't know if this will work the same, but I was working with copy() in order to copy a file to a network drive using IIS. In order to be able to copy to a network drive, you have to have permissions for the user IUSR_computername where computername is the name of the computer that is running PHP. Once permissions were set up on the remote machine, PHP was able to access the remote files. I don't know if this will work the same with opendir, but it might be worth a try...... metanull
How to find files in a directory, using regular expressions (case-sensitive or not) <?php clearstatcache(); $sourcepath = "C:/WINDOWS/TEMP"; // Replace \ by / and remove the final / if any $root = ereg_replace( "/$", "", ereg_replace( "[\\]", "/", $sourcepath )); // Search for text files $results = m_find_in_dir( $root, ".*\.txt" ); if( false === $results ) { echo "'{$sourcepath}' is not a valid directory\n"; } else { print_r( $results ); } /** * Search for a file maching a regular expression * * @param string $root Root path * @param string $pattern POSIX regular expression pattern * @param boolean $recursive Set to true to walk the subdirectories recursively * @param boolean $case_sensitive Set to true for case sensitive search * @return array An array of string representing the path of the matching files, or false in case of error */ function m_find_in_dir( $root, $pattern, $recursive = true, $case_sensitive = false ) { $result = array(); if( $case_sensitive ) { if( false === m_find_in_dir__( $root, $pattern, $recursive, $result )) { return false; } } else { if( false === m_find_in_dir_i__( $root, $pattern, $recursive, $result )) { return false; } } return $result; } /** * @access private */ function m_find_in_dir__( $root, $pattern, $recursive, &$result ) { $dh = @opendir( $root ); if( false === $dh ) { return false; } while( $file = readdir( $dh )) { if( "." == $file || ".." == $file ){ continue; } if( false !== @ereg( $pattern, "{$root}/{$file}" )) { $result[] = "{$root}/{$file}"; } if( false !== $recursive && is_dir( "{$root}/{$file}" )) { m_find_in_dir__( "{$root}/{$file}", $pattern, $recursive, $result ); } } closedir( $dh ); return true; } /** * @access private */ function m_find_in_dir_i__( $root, $pattern, $recursive, &$result ) { $dh = @opendir( $root ); if( false === $dh ) { return false; } while( $file = readdir( $dh )) { if( "." == $file || ".." == $file ){ continue; } if( false !== @eregi( $pattern, "{$root}/{$file}" )) { $result[] = "{$root}/{$file}"; } if( false !== $recursive && is_dir( "{$root}/{$file}" )) { m_find_in_dir__( "{$root}/{$file}", $pattern, $recursive, $result ); } } closedir( $dh ); return true; } ?> hendrik dot wermer
Here's another version of directory listing, since I had some problems using the examples below. It will display the content of the current directory, sorted by directories and files. You can also search subdirectories by setting $maxDepth > 0. There's a link to other directories, so you can easily switch to the parent directory or to other directories in the current directory. Hope it helps! <?php // show directory content function showDir($dir, $i, $maxDepth){ $i++; if($checkDir = opendir($dir)){ $cDir = 0; $cFile = 0; // check all files in $dir, add to array listDir or listFile while($file = readdir($checkDir)){ if($file != "." && $file != ".."){ if(is_dir($dir . "/" . $file)){ $listDir[$cDir] = $file; $cDir++; } else{ $listFile[$cFile] = $file; $cFile++; } } } // show directories if(count($listDir) > 0){ sort($listDir); for($j = 0; $j < count($listDir); $j++){ echo " <tr>"; $spacer = ""; for($l = 0; $l < $i; $l++) $spacer .= " "; // create link $link = "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?dir=" . $dir . "/" . $listDir[$j] . "\">$listDir[$j]</a>"; echo "<td>" . $spacer . $link . "</td> </tr>"; // list all subdirectories up to maxDepth if($i < $maxDepth) showDir($dir . "/" . $listDir[$j], $i, $maxDepth); } } // show files if(count($listFile) > 0){ sort($listFile); for($k = 0; $k < count($listFile); $k++){ $spacer = ""; for($l = 0; $l < $i; $l++) $spacer .= " "; echo " <tr> <td>" . $spacer . $listFile[$k] . "</td> </tr>"; } } closedir($checkDir); } } if($_GET["dir"] == "" || !is_dir($_GET["dir"])) $dir = getcwd(); else $dir = $_GET["dir"]; // replace backslashes, not necessary, but better to look at $dir = str_replace("\\", "/", $dir); // show parent path $pDir = pathinfo($dir); $parentDir = $pDir["dirname"]; echo "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "\"><h3>Home</h3></a>"; echo "Current directory: " . $dir; echo "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?dir=$parentDir\"><h4>Parent directory: $parentDir</h4></a>"; // Display directory content echo"<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2> <tr><th align=left>File / Dir</th>"; // specifies the maxDepth of included subdirectories // set maxDepth to 0 if u want to display the current directory $maxDepth = 0; showDir($dir, -1, $maxDepth); ?> cnichols
Here's another recursive function that prints out everything from the starting path to the end. It doesn't have any search function, but just another example. I wrote it for getting a quick hierarchial view of websites (even through Dreamweaver will show it to me, it'd be a chore to go through each folder and expand it). <?php // map_dirs(path,level) // path, level to start (start at 0) map_dirs("/var/ww/html/",0); function map_dirs($path,$level) { if(is_dir($path)) { if($contents = opendir($path)) { while(($node = readdir($contents)) !== false) { if($node!="." && $node!="..") { for($i=0;$i<$level;$i++) echo " "; if(is_dir($path."/".$node)) echo "+"; else echo " "; echo $node."\n"; map_dirs("$path/$node",$level+1); } } } } } ?> frogstarr78
Here's a function that will recrusively turn a directory into a hash of directory hashes and file arrays, automatically ignoring "dot" files. <?php function hashify_directory($topdir, &$list, $ignoredDirectories=array()) { if (is_dir($topdir)) { if ($dh = opendir($topdir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if (!(array_search($file,$ignoredDirectories) > -1) && preg_match('/^\./', $file) == 0) { if (is_dir("$topdir$file")) { if(!isset($list[$file])) { $list[$file] = array(); } ksort($list); hashify_directory("$topdir$file/", $list[$file]); } else { array_push($list, $file); } } } closedir($dh); } } } ?> e.g. <?php $public_html["StudentFiles"] = array(); hashify_directory("StudentFiles/", $public_html["StudentFiles"]); ?> on the directory structure: ./StudentFiles/tutorial_01/case1/file1.html ./StudentFiles/tutorial_01/case1/file2.html ./StudentFiles/tutorial_02/case1/file1.html ./StudentFiles/tutorial_02/case2/file2.html ./StudentFiles/tutorial_03/case1/file2.html etc... becomes: <?php print_r($public_html); /* outputs: array( "StudentFiles" => array ( "tutorial_01" => array ( "case1" => array( "file1.html", "file2.html") ), "tutorial_02" => array ( "case1" => array( "file1.html"), "case2" => array( "file2.html") ), "tutorial_03" => array ( "case1" => array( "file2.html") ) ) ) */ ?> I'm using it to create a tree view of a directory. nerdydork
Here is a snippet to create a site map of all html files in a folder: <?php // read all html file in the current directory if ($dh = opendir('./')) { $files = array(); while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if (substr($file, strlen($file) - 5) == '.html') { array_push($files, $file); } } closedir($dh); } // Sort the files and display sort($files); echo "<ul>\n"; foreach ($files as $file) { $title = Title($file); echo "<li><a href=\"$file\" title=\"$title\">$title</a></li>\n"; } echo "</ul>\n"; // Function to get a human readable title from the filename function Title($filename) { $title = substr($filename, 0, strlen($filename) - 5); $title = str_replace('-', ' ', $title); $title = ucwords($title); return $title; } ?> iamnotanerd
Here is a snippet of the code that I created to search for a file..recursively open the directories and search for a match.. <? function search($target, $directory){ if(is_dir($directory)){ $direc = opendir($directory); while(false !== ($file = readdir($direc))){ if($file !="." && $file != ".."){ if(is_file($directory."/".$file)){ if(preg_match("/$target/i", $file)){ echo "<a href=\"$directory/$file\">$file</a> "; } }else if(is_dir($directory."/".$file)){ search($target,$directory."/".$file); } } } closedir($direc); } return ; } ?> tim2005
Hello, A friend of mine is running a webhost, I think i found a security leak with this script: <?php function select_files($dir, $label = "", $select_name, $curr_val = "", $char_length = 30) { $teller = 0; if ($handle = opendir($dir)) { $mydir = ($label != "") ? "<label for=\"".$select_name."\">".$label."</label>\n" : ""; $mydir .= "<select name=\"".$select_name."\">\n"; $curr_val = (isset($_REQUEST[$select_name])) ? $_REQUEST[$select_name] : $curr_val; $mydir .= ($curr_val == "") ? " <option value=\"\" selected>...\n" : "<option value=\"\">...\n"; while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { $files[] = $file; } closedir($handle); sort($files); foreach ($files as $val) { if (is_file($dir.$val)) { // show only real files (ver. 1.01) $mydir .= " <option value=\"".$val."\""; $mydir .= ($val == $curr_val) ? " selected>" : ">"; $mydir .= (strlen($val) > $char_length) ? substr($val, 0, $char_length)."...\n" : $val."\n"; $teller++; } } $mydir .= "</select>"; } if ($teller == 0) { $mydir = "No files!"; } else { return $mydir; } } echo select_files("C:/winnt/", "", "", "", "60"); ?> Now i can see hist files in his windows dir. Is this a leak? and is it fixable? I'll report this as bug too! Tim2005 metanull
An other way to recursively walk a directory and it's content, applying a callback to each file. Exemple: Update the last modification time of each file in a folder <?php clearstatcache(); $sourcepath = "C:/WINDOWS/TEMP"; // Replace \ by / and remove the final / if any $root = ereg_replace( "/$", "", ereg_replace( "[\\]", "/", $sourcepath )); // Touch all the files from the $root directory if( false === m_walk_dir( $root, "m_touch_file", true )) { echo "'{$root}' is not a valid directory\n"; } // Walk a directory recursivelly, and apply a callback on each file function m_walk_dir( $root, $callback, $recursive = true ) { $dh = @opendir( $root ); if( false === $dh ) { return false; } while( $file = readdir( $dh )) { if( "." == $file || ".." == $file ){ continue; } call_user_func( $callback, "{$root}/{$file}" ); if( false !== $recursive && is_dir( "{$root}/{$file}" )) { m_walk_dir( "{$root}/{$file}", $callback, $recursive ); } } closedir( $dh ); return true; } // if the path indicates a file, run touch() on it function m_touch_file( $path ) { echo $path . "\n"; if( !is_dir( $path )) { touch( $path ); } } ?> phpguy
An issue that I ran into is that opendir() could care less if you've got server authentication set on sub directories and so any such authentication is bypassed completely when accesses in this way. I did solve it for my application of a pretty file manager, by redirecting to all sub directories thusly: $fdir = "./subdirectory_I_want_to_visit/"; if ($fdir != './') { //basically where we are or the parent //redirect the browser to force authentication check on any subdirectories header("Location: http://my.domain.com".dirname($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]).substr($fdir,2)); exit; } else { $dir = opendir($fdir); } arjan
A simple function to count all the files and/or dirs inside a dir. With optional extention when counting files. Index of / Some text file.txt files/ num_files.phps test.php <?php function num_files($dir, $type, $ext="") { // type 1: files only // type 2: direcories only // type 3: files and directories added // type 4: files and directories separated with a space if (!isset($dir) OR empty($dir)) { echo '<b>Syntax error:</b> $dir value empty.'; exit; } $num_files = 0; $num_dirs = 0; switch($type) { case 1: // count only files, not dirs if ($dir = @opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) { if(is_file($file) AND $file != "." AND $file != "..") { if (isset($ext) AND !empty($ext)) { $extension = end(explode(".", $file)); if ($ext == $extension) { $num_files++; } } else { $num_files++; } } } closedir($dir); $total = $num_files; } break; case 2: // count only dirs, not files if ($dir = @opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) { if(is_dir($file) AND $file != "." AND $file != "..") { $num_dirs++; } } closedir($dir); $total = $num_dirs; } break; case 3: // count files PLUS dirs in once variable if ($dir = @opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) { if(is_dir($file) OR is_dir($file)) { if ($file != "." AND $file != "..") { $num_files++; } } } closedir($dir); $total = $num_files; } break; case 4: // count files AND dirs separately if ($dir = @opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) { if(is_file($file) AND $file != "." AND $file != "..") { $num_files++; } if(is_dir($file) AND $file != "." AND $file != "..") { $num_dirs++; } } closedir($dir); $total = $num_files." ".$num_dirs; } break; default: echo '<b>Syntax error:</b> $type value empty.'; break; } return $total; } echo num_files($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], 1, "php"). " file(s) met php extention<br /> "; echo num_files($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], 1). " file(s)<br />"; echo num_files($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], 2). " dir(s)<br />"; echo num_files($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], 3). " file(s) + dir(s)<br />"; $nummers = explode(" ", num_files($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], 4)); echo reset($nummers) ." file(s) en ". end($nummers) ." dir(s)"; ?> will output: 1 file(s) with php extention 3 file(s) 1 dir(s) 1 file(s) + dir(s) 3 file(s) en 1 dir(s) asharm4
//this is a function I wrote to sort out the contents of the directory date wise for display. $content_array = array(); //set current working directory $dirname = "C:\temp"; //Load Directory Into Array $handle=opendir($dirname); $i=0; while ($file = readdir($handle)) if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $content_array[$i][0] = $file; $content_array[$i][1] = date ("Y m d", filemtime($dirname."/".$file)); $i++; } //close the directory handle closedir($handle); //these lines sort the contents of the directory by the date foreach($content_array as $res) $sortAux[] = $res[1]; array_multisort($sortAux, SORT_ASC, $content_array); sandy
<?php /* ** This recursive file lister only slurps in one page at time, ** so it doesn't take forever to load when operating over ** a large system.....comes with an "Up" link for every page too. */ $PHP_SELF = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $DOCUMENT_ROOT = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; # activate the next line (and deactivate the last) to # use this script in a $DOCUMENT_ROOT/~anybody # environment. #$DOCUMENT_ROOT="/home/sandy/public_html/"; $tdir = $_GET['dir']; echo "tdir==$tdir "; $tparent_path = $_GET['parent_path']; $dbg = $_GET['dbg']; if(!strstr($tdir, $DOCUMENT_ROOT)) $tdir = getcwd(); if(!strstr($tparent_path, $DOCUMENT_ROOT)) $tparent_path = $tdir; if (!isset ($tdir)) { $dir = getcwd (); } else $dir = $tdir; if (!isset ($tparent_path)) { $parent_path = $dir; } else $parent_path = $tparent_path; echo " "; if (!isset ($tdir)) { $upurl = $PHP_SELF; } else { if ($parent_path == $DOCUMENT_ROOT) $parent_parent_path = $parent_path; else $parent_parent_path = dirname ($parent_path); $upurl = $PHP_SELF."?dir=".$parent_path."&parent_path=". $parent_parent_path; } if($dbg==1) { echo "PHP_SELF: $PHP_SELF \n"; echo "DOCUMENT_ROOT: $DOCUMENT_ROOT \n"; echo "dir: $dir \n"; echo "parent_path: $parent_path \n"; echo "upurl: $upurl \n"; } echo "<a href=\"$upurl\"> <h3>Up</h3> </a>\n"; echo "<h2>$dir</h2>\n"; create_tree ($dir, $parent_path); function urlFromPath ($path) { global $PHP_SELF; global $DOCUMENT_ROOT; $prefix = ""; if (substr ($path, 0, 1) != "/") $prefix = "/"; $url = $prefix.ereg_replace ($DOCUMENT_ROOT, "", $path); return $url; } function create_tree ($dir, $parent_path) { if ($handle = opendir ($dir)) { $i = 0; while (false !== ($file = @readdir ($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $list[$i] = $file; $i++; } } $dir_length = count ($list); echo "<ul>"; for ($i = 0; $i < $dir_length; $i++) { global $PHP_SELF; global $DOCUMENT_ROOT; $label = $list[$i]; $test = $dir."/".$label; $alink = $dir."/".ereg_replace(" ","%20",$label); if (!strstr ($PHP_SELF, $label)) { if (is_dir ($test)) { $tmp = $PHP_SELF. "?dir=".$alink."&parent_path=".$dir; $url = ereg_replace(" ", "%20", $tmp); echo "$url \n"; echo "<a href=\"$url\"><b>$label</b>/</a> \n"; } else { $link = urlFromPath ($alink); $label = $list[$i]; echo "<a href=\"$link\">".$label."</a> \n"; } } } echo "</ul>"; closedir ($handle); } } ?> mstabile75
<?php /* The below function will list all folders and files within a directory It is a recursive function that uses a global array. The global array was the easiest way for me to work with an array in a recursive function *This function has no limit on the number of levels down you can search. *The array structure was one that worked for me. ARGUMENTS: $startdir => specify the directory to start from; format: must end in a "/" $searchSubdirs => True/false; True if you want to search subdirectories $directoriesonly => True/false; True if you want to only return directories $maxlevel => "all" or a number; specifes the number of directories down that you want to search $level => integer; directory level that the function is currently searching */ function filelist ($startdir="./", $searchSubdirs=1, $directoriesonly=0, $maxlevel="all", $level=1) { //list the directory/file names that you want to ignore $ignoredDirectory[] = "."; $ignoredDirectory[] = ".."; $ignoredDirectory[] = "_vti_cnf"; global $directorylist; //initialize global array if (is_dir($startdir)) { if ($dh = opendir($startdir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if (!(array_search($file,$ignoredDirectory) > -1)) { if (filetype($startdir . $file) == "dir") { //build your directory array however you choose; //add other file details that you want. $directorylist[$startdir . $file]['level'] = $level; $directorylist[$startdir . $file]['dir'] = 1; $directorylist[$startdir . $file]['name'] = $file; $directorylist[$startdir . $file]['path'] = $startdir; if ($searchSubdirs) { if ((($maxlevel) == "all") or ($maxlevel > $level)) { filelist($startdir . $file . "/", $searchSubdirs, $directoriesonly, $maxlevel, $level + 1); } } } else { if (!$directoriesonly) { //if you want to include files; build your file array //however you choose; add other file details that you want. $directorylist[$startdir . $file]['level'] = $level; $directorylist[$startdir . $file]['dir'] = 0; $directorylist[$startdir . $file]['name'] = $file; $directorylist[$startdir . $file]['path'] = $startdir; }}}} closedir($dh); }} return($directorylist); } $files = filelist("./",1,1); // call the function foreach ($files as $list) {//print array echo "Directory: " . $list['dir'] . " => Level: " . $list['level'] . " => Name: " . $list['name'] . " => Path: " . $list['path'] ." "; }?> michael mt1955 a gmail.com
# simple directory walk with callback function <?php function callbackDir($dir) { # do whatever you want here echo "$dir\n"; } function walkDir($dir,$fx) { $arStack = array(); $fx($dir); if( ($dh=opendir($dir)) ) { while( ($file=readdir($dh))!==false ) { if( $file=='.' || $file=='..' ) continue; if( is_dir("$dir/$file") ) { if( !in_array("$dir/$file",$arStack) ) $arStack[]="$dir/$file"; } } closedir($dh); } if( count($arStack) ) { foreach( $arStack as $subdir ) { walkDir($subdir,$fx); } } } walkDir($root,callBackDir); ?> tozeiler
"opendir" said: ------------------------------------------------------------------ 23-Jan-2006 08:04 I Just wanted a directory list and a clickable link to download the files <snip> ------ <? echo ("<h1>Directory Overzicht:</h1>"); function getFiles($path) { <snip complicated function contents> ------------------------------------------------------------------ Here's a more straightforward way to linkify $path/files: <?php echo "<h1>Directory Overzicht:</h1>"; $dh = opendir($path); while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { echo "<a href='$path/$file'>$file</a><br />"; } closedir($dh); ?> |