OpenSSL FunctionsThis module uses the functions of » OpenSSL for generation and verification of signatures and for sealing (encrypting) and opening (decrypting) data. OpenSSL offers many features that this module currently doesn't support. Some of these may be added in the future. In order to use the OpenSSL functions you need to install the » OpenSSL package. PHP between versions 4.0.5 and 4.3.1 will work with OpenSSL >= 0.9.5. Other versions (PHP <=4.0.4 and >= 4.3.2) require OpenSSL >= 0.9.6.
You are strongly encouraged to use the most recent OpenSSL version, otherwise your web server could be vulnerable to attack.
To use PHP's OpenSSL support you must also compile PHP
Note to Win32 Users:
In order for this extension to work, there are
DLL files that must be available to the Windows
Additionally, if you are planning to use the key generation and certificate
signing functions, you will need to install a valid
PHP will search for the
In your installation, you need to decide whether to install the
configuration file at Quite a few of the openssl functions require a key or a certificate parameter. PHP 4.0.5 and earlier have to use a key or certificate resource returned by one of the openssl_get_xxx functions. Later versions may use one of the following methods:
When calling a function that will verify a signature/certificate, the cainfo parameter is an array containing file and directory names that specify the locations of trusted CA files. If a directory is specified, then it must be a correctly formed hashed directory as the openssl command would use. The constants below are defined by this extension, and will only be available when the extension has either been compiled into PHP or dynamically loaded at runtime.
The S/MIME functions make use of flags which are specified using a bitfield which can include one or more of the following values: Table 233. PKCS7 CONSTANTS
These constants were added in 4.0.6.
These constants were added in 5.0.0.
These constants were added in 4.3.0. Table of Contents
Code Examples / Notes » ref.opensslrichard ablewhite
Windows users be warned that you need the following file in system32: msvcr71.dll It has to go in system32, is not picked up from php/dlls mattalexx
Use this for simple public/private key encryption. <?php /** * Point to your config file * */ define("OPEN_SSL_CONF_PATH", "/usr/share/ssl/openssl.cnf"); /** * Length of time certificate is valid (in days) * */ define("OPEN_SSL_CERT_DAYS_VALID", 365); /** * Passphrase required with private key * */ define("OPEN_SSL_PASSPHRASE", "lkdfjbjeyrasdfvkajwdeblsolkdkdjfbvzslalsmdbfvksb"); /** * Enter description here... * */ define("OPEN_SSL_PUBKEY_PATH", "/docs/domains/mywebsite.com/docs/key.pem"); // Public key path /** * A wrapper class for a simple subset of the PHP OpenSSL functions. Use for public key encryption jobs. * * <code> * * // To configure * // 1. Set OPEN_SSL_CONF_PATH to the path of your openssl.cnf file. * // 2. Set OPEN_SSL_PASSPHRASE to any passphrase. * // 3. Use the OpenSSL::do_csr method to generate your private and public keys (see next section). * // 4. Save the private key somewhere offline and save your public key somewhere on this machine. * // 5. Set OPEN_SSL_PUBKEY_PATH to the public key's path. * * // To generate keys * $ossl = new OpenSSL; * $ossl->do_csr(); * $privatekey = $ossl->privatekey; * $publickey = $ossl->publickey; * unset($ossl); * * // Encrypt * $text = "Secret text"; * $ossl = new OpenSSL; * $ossl->encrypt($text); * $encrypted_text = $ossl->crypttext; * $ekey = $ossl->ekey; * unset($ossl); * * // Decrypt * $ossl = new OpenSSL; * $decrypted_text = $ossl->decrypt($encrypted_text, $privatekey, $ekey); * unset($ossl); * * @author Matt Alexander (mattalexx@gmail.com) [based on code by Alex Poole (php@wwwcrm.com)] * @copyright 2007 * */ class OpenSSL { public $privatekey; public $publickey; public $csr; public $crypttext; public $ekey; public function encrypt($plain) { // Turn public key into resource $publickey = openssl_get_publickey(is_file(OPEN_SSL_PUBKEY_PATH)? file_get_contents(OPEN_SSL_PUBKEY_PATH) : OPEN_SSL_PUBKEY_PATH); // Encrypt openssl_seal($plain, $crypttext, $ekey, array($publickey)); openssl_free_key($publickey); // Set values $this->crypttext = $crypttext; $this->ekey = $ekey[0]; } public function decrypt($crypt, $privatekey, $ekey="") { // Turn private key into resource $privatekey = openssl_get_privatekey((is_file($privatekey)? file_get_contents($privatekey) : $privatekey), OPEN_SSL_PASSPHRASE); // Decrypt openssl_open($crypt, $plaintext, $ekey, $privatekey); openssl_free_key($privatekey); // Return value return $plaintext; } public function do_csr( $countryName = "UK", $stateOrProvinceName = "London", $localityName = "Blah", $organizationName = "Blah1", $organizationalUnitName = "Blah2", $commonName = "Joe Bloggs", $emailAddress = "openssl@domain.com" ) { $dn = array( "countryName" => $countryName, "stateOrProvinceName" => $stateOrProvinceName, "localityName" => $localityName, "organizationName" => $organizationName, "organizationalUnitName" => $organizationalUnitName, "commonName" => $commonName, "emailAddress" => $emailAddress ); $config = array( "config" => OPEN_SSL_CONF_PATH ); $privkey = openssl_pkey_new(); $csr = openssl_csr_new($dn, $privkey, $config); $sscert = openssl_csr_sign($csr, null, $privkey, OPEN_SSL_CERT_DAYS_VALID, $config); openssl_x509_export($sscert, $this->publickey); openssl_pkey_export($privkey, $this->privatekey, OPEN_SSL_PASSPHRASE, $config); openssl_csr_export($csr, $this->csr); } } ?> chronofish
There is a note below regarding the need to copy BOTH ssleay32.dll AND libeay32.dll to a folder in the system PATH on Win32 systems. That is absolutely true. It should be noted also that Windows will search the Windows system directories before it will search the PATH. If you have existing .dlls in these directories - rename (rather than deleting in case you need to undo your changes) them and copy over the latest version of these files. Key locations may include the /i386, /windows/system32, and ~/apache/.../modules directories. I also updated my ~/subversion/bin directory. -CF yabba dabba
The php4 distribution for Windows/IIS has a README-SSL.txt which strongly implies that just the path needs to be added to the OPENSLL_CONF variable in the server's environment variables. Be sure to add the file name and extension too. E.g.: c:\php-4.3.11\openssl\openssl.cnf matt
The openssl functions were disabled in Debian release 3.0 (woody), but as of release 3.1 (sarge) they're available again.
Sorry, the code in my previous note doesn't work... the last line should read: $csr = openssl_csr_new(array('commonName'=>'MyCSR'),$pkey,$config); skippy zuavra net
In case you're wondering what's a "correctly hashed" directory for the use with cainfo: it's simply a directory which contains CA public certificates in PEM/X.509 format. You can get such certificates either from the CA's website (they advertise it in visible places) or from your browser. In Explorer for instance you can click on the little yellow padlock, go to the CA entry and export it. The only trick with the directory is that file names must be in the form "hash.#". The "hash" part is the 8-digit hex hash of the certificate, while the # part is a number which serves to differentiate certificates which give the same hash (yes, it can happen with certificates coming from the same CA). Usually # is 0, but you also can use 1, 2 and so on when having more certs with the same hash. In order to obtain the hash of a certificate you can use the openssl command line utility like this: openssl x509 -hash -in certfile.cer | head -1 php ~at~ wwwcrm dot komm
If you want to use PHP for public / private key encryption jobs without needing to know the ins and outs of the Open SSL extension, the following may be of interest: http://www.karenandalex.com/php_stuff/_class_OpenSSL.phps This class was unavailable for a long while (server problems) but is now back up. Apologies to those who clicked through and got a 404 I hope it is useful to you... Alex igor dot gorshkov
I generate certificates in such a way. $config = array("config" => "d:/sslcert/openssl.cnf"); $dn = array( "countryName" => "RU", "stateOrProvinceName" => "Russia", "localityName" => "Saint-Petersburg", "organizationName" => "temp", "organizationalUnitName" => "temp", "commonName" => "temp", "emailAddress" => "temp@temp.com" ); $privkey_enc = openssl_pkey_new($config); $csr = openssl_csr_new($dn, $privkey_enc, $config); $sscert = openssl_csr_sign($csr, null, $privkey_enc, 365); openssl_x509_export_to_file($sscert, "d:/cert_enc.crt"); openssl_pkey_export_to_file($privkey_enc, "d:/privkey_enc.pem"); As a result all the received certificates have identical serial number (00). But it should not be! How to avoid it? beckman
FreeBSD Ports tree php5-openssl uses openssl-0.9.8a. This is a problem, as if you install these two ports and attempt to open an HTTPS URL within PHP, it will fail with this error from openssl_error_string(): error:140A90A1:SSL routines:func(169):reason(161) which is SSL_R_LIBRARY_HAS_NO_CIPHERS or "library has no ciphers" This is because the openssl library now requires you to load your ciphers manually -- all ciphers are not automatically loaded for you. I don't believe the php5-openssl module has been updated to do this before opening an SSL connection (as of 5.0.5). Using openssl-0.9.7i seems to work; symlinking libcrypto.so.3 to libcrypto.so.4 prevents the php5-openssl port from trying to install openssl-0.9.8a. So install openssl-stable (0.9.7i) from ports first, symlink 2nd, then install php5-openssl 3rd, and you should be OK. kurian
For working of openssl in windows platform IIS webserver, we need to enable in php.ini, tne copy libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll to the php folder (or windows's system32 folder) and add both dll's path to the window's PATH variable. It seems to be working for me after I did these changes.
peter dot mescalchin @ geemail dot com
For w32 users to enable OpenSSL support. As well as copying "libeay32.dll" to the windows system32 folder you also need to copy "ssleay32.dll". The documentation above should probably be updated to note this. This requirement was documented at the libcurl pages: http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/php/install.html#windows jaz
For newbies (as me): If you want to try at home on win32, you can learn how to install apache+ssl on this url: http://tud.at/programm/apache-ssl-win32-howto.php3 Versions on English, Spanish and French. Just I have read and install and run perfectly. norman
Debian maintainers have disabled the openssl support because it seems to help break apache on startup. (http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=193343 and http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=165699) - Norman dan -at- nospam danschafer dot nettt
Currently, all OpenSSL Functions defined in PHP only utilize the PEM format. Use the following code to convert from DER to PEM and PEM to DER. <?php $pem_data = file_get_contents($cert_path.$pem_file); $pem2der = pem2der($pem_data); $der_data = file_get_contents($cert_path.$der_file); $der2pem = der2pem($der_data); function pem2der($pem_data) { $begin = "CERTIFICATE-----"; $end = "-----END"; $pem_data = substr($pem_data, strpos($pem_data, $begin)+strlen($begin)); $pem_data = substr($pem_data, 0, strpos($pem_data, $end)); $der = base64_decode($pem_data); return $der; } function der2pem($der_data) { $pem = chunk_split(base64_encode($der_data), 64, "\n"); $pem = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n".$pem."-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"; return $pem; } ?> greensweater
"You need to have a valid openssl.cnf installed for this function to operate correctly" includes most openssl functions. You can force php to find your openssl.cnf file as follows: $config = array('config'=>'/path/to/openssl.cnf'); $pkey = openssl_pkey_new($config); $csr = openssl_csr_new('MyCSR',$pkey,$config); |
Change Language![]() .NET Functions Apache-specific Functions Alternative PHP Cache Advanced PHP debugger Array Functions Aspell functions [deprecated] BBCode Functions BCMath Arbitrary Precision Mathematics Functions PHP bytecode Compiler Bzip2 Compression Functions Calendar Functions CCVS API Functions [deprecated] Class/Object Functions Classkit Functions ClibPDF Functions [deprecated] COM and .Net (Windows) Crack Functions Character Type Functions CURL Cybercash Payment Functions Credit Mutuel CyberMUT functions Cyrus IMAP administration Functions Date and Time Functions DB++ Functions Database (dbm-style) Abstraction Layer Functions dBase Functions DBM Functions [deprecated] dbx Functions Direct IO Functions Directory Functions DOM Functions DOM XML Functions enchant Functions Error Handling and Logging Functions Exif Functions Expect Functions File Alteration Monitor Functions Forms Data Format Functions Fileinfo Functions filePro Functions Filesystem Functions Filter Functions Firebird/InterBase Functions Firebird/Interbase Functions (PDO_FIREBIRD) FriBiDi Functions FrontBase Functions FTP Functions Function Handling Functions GeoIP Functions Gettext Functions GMP Functions gnupg Functions Net_Gopher Haru PDF Functions hash Functions HTTP Hyperwave Functions Hyperwave API Functions i18n Functions IBM Functions (PDO_IBM) IBM DB2 iconv Functions ID3 Functions IIS Administration Functions Image Functions Imagick Image Library IMAP Informix Functions Informix Functions (PDO_INFORMIX) Ingres II Functions IRC Gateway Functions PHP / Java Integration JSON Functions KADM5 LDAP Functions libxml Functions Lotus Notes Functions LZF Functions Mail Functions Mailparse Functions Mathematical Functions MaxDB PHP Extension MCAL Functions Mcrypt Encryption Functions MCVE (Monetra) Payment Functions Memcache Functions Mhash Functions Mimetype Functions Ming functions for Flash Miscellaneous Functions mnoGoSearch Functions Microsoft SQL Server Functions Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Functions (PDO_DBLIB) Mohawk Software Session Handler Functions mSQL Functions Multibyte String Functions muscat Functions MySQL Functions MySQL Functions (PDO_MYSQL) MySQL Improved Extension Ncurses Terminal Screen Control Functions Network Functions Newt Functions NSAPI-specific Functions Object Aggregation/Composition Functions Object property and method call overloading Oracle Functions ODBC Functions (Unified) ODBC and DB2 Functions (PDO_ODBC) oggvorbis OpenAL Audio Bindings OpenSSL Functions Oracle Functions [deprecated] Oracle Functions (PDO_OCI) Output Control Functions Ovrimos SQL Functions Paradox File Access Parsekit Functions Process Control Functions Regular Expression Functions (Perl-Compatible) PDF Functions PDO Functions Phar archive stream and classes PHP Options&Information POSIX Functions Regular Expression Functions (POSIX Extended) PostgreSQL Functions PostgreSQL Functions (PDO_PGSQL) Printer Functions Program Execution Functions PostScript document creation Pspell Functions qtdom Functions Radius Rar Functions GNU Readline GNU Recode Functions RPM Header Reading Functions runkit Functions SAM - Simple Asynchronous Messaging Satellite CORBA client extension [deprecated] SCA Functions SDO Functions SDO XML Data Access Service Functions SDO Relational Data Access Service Functions Semaphore SESAM Database Functions PostgreSQL Session Save Handler Session Handling Functions Shared Memory Functions SimpleXML functions SNMP Functions SOAP Functions Socket Functions Standard PHP Library (SPL) Functions SQLite Functions SQLite Functions (PDO_SQLITE) Secure Shell2 Functions Statistics Functions Stream Functions String Functions Subversion Functions Shockwave Flash Functions Swish Functions Sybase Functions TCP Wrappers Functions Tidy Functions Tokenizer Functions Unicode Functions URL Functions Variable Handling Functions Verisign Payflow Pro Functions vpopmail Functions W32api Functions WDDX Functions win32ps Functions win32service Functions xattr Functions xdiff Functions XML Parser Functions XML-RPC Functions XMLReader functions XMLWriter Functions XSL functions XSLT Functions YAZ Functions YP/NIS Functions Zip File Functions Zlib Compression Functions |